Records introduced by Jeanne Heal
Monia Liter Quartet with Maurice Keary (baritone)
Sydney Gustard at the BBC theatre organ
' Genuine Elizabethan '
Written and read by Bernard Wetherall
Troise and his
Mandoliers Maureen Tasker and Ashley Crawford
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Archie Camden (bassoon)
Motor-Cycle Races
Commentaries on the Senior and Lightweight Tourist Trophy races, from the Isle of Man
At the Grandstand. Graham Walker and Philip Robinson ; at Kirkmichael, Alan Clarke ; at Ramsey, Richard North ; at Creg-ny-Baa. David Southwood
Introduced by Olive Shapley
' More About Doing the Flowers,' by Molly Thorne
'As Old as You Feel,' by Dr. Alfred Torrie. Medical Director of the National Association for Mental Health
' I was a Snoeker,' by John Seymour 'Countrywomen's Parliament': a report with recordings of the twenty-ninth Annual General Meeting at the Albert Hall , London, of the National Federation of Women's Institutes
Serial: 'Because of the Lockwoods,' by Dorothy Whipple. Abridged by Nancy Pusey. Read by Vivienne Chatterton
chosen by Mrs. Margaret Harris of Cardiff played by Marcel Gardner and his Serenade Orchestra with Ernest Davies (bass-baritone)
Jack Leon and his Orchestra
The Hardwicke Stakes
Commentary on the race by Raymond Glendenning , assisted by Claude Harrison as race-reader
Fred Alexander and his Players
Conducted by Major S. Rhodes
Director of Music
at the BBC theatre organ
Tunes you have asked us to play
including cricket close of play scores
Stewart MacPherson puts all the questions, and Harold Berens, Gladys Hay, and Michael Moore know none of the answers
The Soup Stains and The Foulharmonic Orchestra
Produced by George Inns
('Ignorance is Bliss' is presented by arrangement with Maurice Winnick)
To be repeated tomorrow at 12.25 (Home)
Tonight: Scenes from
‘La Bohème’ by Puccini Lorely Dyer (soprano) Ruth Naylor (soprano)
Heddle Nash (tenor)
Arnold Matters (baritone)
BBC Theatre Chorus
(Chorus-Master, John Clements )
BBC Theatre Orchestra
(Leader, Alfred Barker )
Conductor, Walter Goehr
Story told by Stephen Williams
(Arnold Matters broadcasts by permission of the Governors of Sadler's Wells)
La- Boheme is a marriage of true minds— or perhaps we had better use the more Bohemian word ' romance.' There is a forlorn, wistful fragrance about Murger's book, which Puccini has magically reproduced in his enchanting music. Many, indeed, consider it his perfect score, and it does reflect in a matchless degree his three main qualities: his sentiment, his stage-craft, and his humour (Bohemia would be an uninhabitable country if its tears were not so quickly dissipated by the laughter of irrepressible youth). Words and music recapture perfectly the atmosphere of the Latin Quarter in the eighteen-thirties; but to those of us who first heard it in our youth this opera will always speak of our own vie de Boheme wherever we made it.
—Stephen Williams
Dorothy Squires and Billy Reid
Trefor Jones , Aubrey Lucas
Dan Donovan
Frank Davison , Frank James
Sarah Leigh , Donald Wells
The Girls in Harmony
The Lyrian Singers
' The Adventures of Tommy Trouble'
Script by E. Eynon Evans
Welsh Variety Orchestra (Leader, Morgan Lloyd) Produced by Mat Jones
Another series in the adventures of Shorty, a London taxi-driver, with Jerry Verno as the driver
Written by Cyril Campion
Produced by Jacques Brown
and his Orchestra
Frank Newman at the organ of the Gaumont, Camden Town, London