Paul Adam introduces your request records
The Pavilion Players
Directed by David Wolfsthal with Daphne Keif (soprano)
2—' The Playwright'
R. C. Sherriff talks about the technique of writing for the theatre
and his Marimba Players
' Calling All Dogs'
Written and read by John Arkwright
A visit to Budapest for music played by Emil Ro6s and the Radio Ensemble
Joseph Seal at the organ of the Ritz Cinema, Belfast
(Leader, Alfred Barker )
Conductor, Walter Goehr with Winifred Davey (piano)
British Film Music
Cyril Stapleton and his Orchestra with Dick James , Pearl Carr
The Keynotes
The Stapletones and the Joe Saye Trio
Introduced by Joan Griffiths
'Beginners in the Kitchen,' by Bee Nilson
'As Their Wives See it': Margaret Stewart describes a recent visit to some miners' homes
Jean Noble , a Scottish fishwife. talks about her job. and sings a fisher song ' A Persian-lamb farm in South-West Africa," by Sylvia Schweppe
Serial: Malice in Wonderland,' by Nicholas Blake. Abridged by Audrey Lucas. Read by Hugh Burden
Billy Mayerl and his Music with Helen Clare
Ralph Wilson and his Dance Orchestra
A message of comfort and cheer to all who are ' in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity'
Stuart Hibberd introduces today's speaker, Charles W. Hutchinson
Conductor, Kemlo Stephen with Ian Gourlay
(by permission of the Commandant)
Conducted by Captain Meredith Roberts,M.B E
Director of Music
(Continued in next column)
Portland Light Orchestra
Directed by Fred Alexander
(BBC recording)
A Musical Drama of the West with Cal McCord
Paul Carpenter , Charles Irwin
Carole Carr , Alan Keith
Macdonald Parke , Bob Mallin
The Four Ramblers
The Sons of the Saddle
Led by Jack Fallon
Written and produced by Charles Chilton
bring you songs of today and yesterday with Sidney Torch and his Orchestra
Introduced by Peter Fettes
Tunes you have asked us to play
with Leslie Perrins
Another incident in the career of Police-Constable Archibald Berkeley- Willoughby
Script by Alan Stranks
Produced by Vernon Harris
10—' The Case of the Fallen Idol'
with Robert Irwin (baritone) and the Boyd Neel String Orchestra
(Leader, Maurice Clare )
Conductor, Boyd Neel
At the piano, Daphne Ibbott
A poetry programme for Everyman with James Stephens , Margot van der Burgh Anthony Jacobs , Duncan Mclntyre , Robin Holmes , and Martin Boddey
Vic Lewis and his Orchestra
Light music for the close of day played by the Albert Cazabon Orchestra