George Elrick Introduces your request records
Each week a scientist who has been working on a practical problem is brought to the microphone. This week J. B Hales talks about the efficient utilisation of coal
The Billy Mayerl Rhythm Ensemble with songs by Bettie Bucknelle and Wilfred Johns
Freddie Carlé at the piano
BBC Welsh Orchestra
Conductor, Mansel Thomas
A piano interlude by David Buchan
Donald Thorne at the organ of the Granada, Clapham Junction, London
BBC Northern Orchestra
Conductor, Charles Groves
From the Town Hall, Manchester, at the invitation of the Manchester Corporation
Band of the East Surrey Regiment
Conductor, Mr. C. F. Harriott
Today Joan Griffiths introduces: Ruth Drew on ' More About Careers in the Catering Industry ': Jean Cleland on ' How to Look Attractive in Glasses Marjorie Huxley and Edna Thorpe on ' Answering Your Household Problems': and the current serial story. ' They Knew Mr. Knight.' by Dorothy Whipple. read by Olive Gregg
Commentary on the race by Raymond Glendenning, assisted by Claude Harrison as race-reader, at the Grandstand; and by Richard North, assisted by Clive Graham as race-reader, at a point down the course
From Newmarket
Reg. Pursglove with his Music Makers
Central Band of the London Fire Forces
Conductor. T. Kingston Jarvis
An everyday story of everyday people. Script by Jonquil Antony. Produced by David Godfrey.
The music you have asked for, introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the theatre organ
BBC Scottish Orchestra
Conductor, Ian Whyte
and his Music
The Richard Crean Orchestra
Thriller serial
Script by Edward J. Mason
Produced by Neil Tuson
Tunes you ask us to play
The quiz visits Darwen in Lancashire
Musical illustrations provided by Violet Carson. Produced by Barney Colehan.
Dialogue by Nosmo King and Ernest Longstaffe with Paddy O'Nell. John Rorke
Helen Clare , George Betton
Janice Hart
Frank O'Brian and Lee Brooklyn
Nosmo King as ' The Chairman'
Assisted by Shelagh Furley Connie Fraser
Billy Howard. Harry Loman
Ricardo Pasquale
Palace of Varieties Chorus
Les Perry 's Vaudeville Orchestra
Produced and conducted by Ernest Longstaffe
A fortnightly review of the stage
Edited and produced by Archie Campbell
' Backstage at Edinburgh '
Lionel Hale reflects on the International Festival of Music and Drama
Recorded excerpts from
' Dr. Angelus' by James Bridie with Alastai' Sim
(now at the Phoenix Theatre. London)
Theatre Programme Brains Trust
Leslie Hurry. Robert Nesbitt. and Cyril Beaumont. Question-Master. Harold Warrender
Ernest Dudley 's weekly preview of crime and mystery fiction, with a dramatised thrill from each book. Produced by Audrey Cameron
and his Rumba Band
From the Bagatelle Restaurant. London