Christopher Stone introduces your request records
' The Strings ': an illustrated talk by Bernard Shore.
A visit to
Holland for music arranged by the Dutch Radio Union
Ballads, popular songs, and music-hall ditties sung by the BBC Revue Chorus, with David Davies (baritone). At the piano Jimmy Bailey. Programme conducted by David Evans.
Al Bollington at the organ of the Paramount Odeon, Tottenham Court Road, London
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
Conducted by H. C. Burgess
Harry Porter (tenor)
Tunes you ask us to play
Middlesex (Champion County) v.
The Rest of England
Commentary by E. M. Wellings during the first day's play. From Kennington Oval
played by Geraldo and his Orchestra featuring ' Songs with Strings'
Presented by David Miller
An adaptation of the Metro-Goldwvn-Mayer production. Edited by Thurston Holland. Introduced by John Fitohen
Laelia Finneberg (soprano)
Parry Jones (tenor)
Charles Emesco and his Sextet
Presented by Stanton Jefferies
Middlesex (Champion County) v.
The Rest of England
Report by E. M. Wellings during the first day's play. From Kennington Oval
Commentaries on the race by Richard North at the start and Raymond Glendenning at the Grandstand, with Claude Harrison as race reader
Middlesex (Champion County) v.
The Rest of England
Further commentary by E. M Wellings during the afternoon's play From Kennmgton Oval
Aston Villa v. Blackpool
Commentary by F. N. S. Creek on the second half of the match. From Villa Park. Birmingham
BBC Variety Orchestra and Chorus with Denny Dennis
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
as 3.25
A Variety programme featuring new radio personalities. Introduced by Nigel Neilson. Accompanied by Eric Robinson and his Orchestra. Presented by Roy Speer
Middlesex (Champion County) v.
The Rest of England
E. M. Wellings summarises the first day's play. From Kennington Oval
Small-band Jazz and swing played this week by George Webb 's Dixielanders and The Tito Burns Sextet
Programme introduced by Jack Jackson. Presented by Mark White
on Association Football
Raymond R. Roberts talks about the music to be heard in this evening's Promenade Concert— the last of the season
Part 1
(0. B. Rees writes about tonight's concert in ' Music Diary' on page 16)
Part 2
and his Orchestra
From Ciro's Club, London