and his Band
Tunes you ask us to play
looks round at Wembley
Commentary by Raymond Glendenning. From the Empire Stadium, Wembley
at the theatre organ
BBC Variety Orchestra and Chorus, with Denny Dennis. Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Improvised music played by some of Britain's leading jazz instrumentalists, coming to you from the heart of London's West End
Thriller serial. Script by Geoffrey Webb. Produced by Raymond Raikes.
Charles Buchan reports the match, with illustrations from this afternoon's commentary
(New edition) presents Bonar
Colleano, Jnr... with Benny Lee , Betty Paul , Maurice Denham ; the Song Pedlars, and Gaby Roger 's Serenaders. Produced by George Inns.
A musical entertainment with Bickershaw Colliery Band
Conductor, William Haydock
Frank Titterton (tenor)
. Norman Walker (bass)
Programme introduced by Peter Fettes and produced by Harry Mortimer. From H.M.S. Scotia, Lowton St. Mary, Lancashire (by permission of the Commanding Officer)
Tunes you ask us to play
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
and his Orchestra from Ciro's Club, London