Your request records introduced this week by Bryan Michie
5 — The Debate on the House of Lords, 1911 Balfour criticises the Liberal policy. Asquith replies
The Billy Mayerl Rhythm Ensemble
on gramophone records
Conducted by H.C. Burgess, with Harold Williams (baritone)
Dance music on gramophone records
Bobby Pagan at the theatre organ
BBC Scottish Orchestra, conducted by Robert Irving
Fisher and Ludlow's Works Band: conductor, George Allen (soloist, W. Foley> )
A daily programme of music, advice, and entertainment for the home
Alan Ivimey introduces a doctor on ' Your Health Problems ' ; Edna Thorpe with today's recipe: Housewives' Choice ' of gramophone records: and the current serial story, Stanley Weyman 's ' Under the Red Robe.' read by Carleton Hobbs I
5 — ' What Lies Ahead ? ' In both home and international trade, private and state enterprise will have to rub shoulders. A talk by Graham Hutton
' The Yodelling Boundary Rider ': on gramophone records
BBC Revue Orchestra:., conductor. Frank Cantell
The day-to-day history of an ordinary family. Produced by Vivian Milroy.
A weekly programme for Forces in hospitals everywhere
With Celia Lipton, Claude Hulbert and Enid Trevor, Billy Milton, Rita Williams, Billy Mayerl and his Music. Hugh Morton in 'Meet the Rev.,' written by Gale Pedrick, with Roy Plomley as Charlie Banks. Competition: 'Stars and Sterling,' with Billy Milton. Produced by Audrey Cameron
Conducted by Michael Krein , with Isadore Goodman (piano)
Robert Farnon conducts the Concert Orchestra on a journey into melody with the songs of Geraldine O'Brian and Denny Vaughan. Introduced by Gerry Wilmot. Presented by Glyn Jones
Introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the theatre organ
Thriller serial. Script by Edward J. Mason. Produced by Neil Tuson. Episode 12
on gramophone records
Devised and conducted by Ernest Longstaffe
With Eddie Reindeer. Danuta Karrell , Peter Cavanagh. Issv Bonn , Nat Mills and Bobbie, and Harry Korris as Mr. Lovejoy, Cecil Frederick as Ramsbottom, Robbie Vincent as Enoch. BBC Revue Orchestra and Chorus. Produced bv Ernest Long staffe and Peter Duncan.
with John Clark as William
Episode 5, written and produced for radio by Alick Hayes. Edited by Rex Diamond and Ian Smith. Music composed and conducted by Leighton Lucas
Wynford Vaughan Thomas , now on his first visit to New York, gives a newcomer's Impressions of ' The Great White Way'
Tunes you ask us to play
4-1 Mafeking Night'
Written by Rachel Knappett. Music by Francis Collinson. Produced by Francis Dillon
Melodies for the close of day, with Dan Donovan , Frank Davison , the Strings in Harmony, and the Serenaders. Produced by Mai Jones
and his Sextet in a programme of uninterrupted music
and his Orchestra, with Alan Kane , Julie Dawn. Roy Marsh , and the Modernaires
at the organ of the Gaumont Palace, Camden Town, London