Your request records introduced this week by Neal Arden
A talk by Hugh Ross Williamson , with Norman Shelley as Dr. Johnson
Al Bollington at the theatre organ
8—Mervyn Bruxner talks about their concertos
Jan Hurst and his Orchestra, with John Lewis (tenor)
Dance music on gramophone records
Rudy Lewis at the organ of the Gaumont Palace, Camden Town, London.
The West-Country Studio Orchestra:
Conductor, Reginald Redman , with Frederick Harvey (baritone)
Barrow Shipyard Band: conductor. Herbert Sutcliffe
A daily programme of music, advice. and entertainment for the home. Today. Alan Ivimey introduces Rose Mary Sands on Children in the Home ' ; Sophie Somers on 'Soap Saving: 'Housewives Choice ' of gramophone records; and the current serial story Stanley Weyman's Under the Red Robe '
A programme about the echo-sounder, an instrument installed in ships, which answers the question, 'how deep?'
Eric Winstone and his Accordion Band
The day-to-day history of an ordinary
family, produced by Vivian Milroy.
Introduced and played by Macpherson at the tneaire u B
Gerald Bullett and Gerard Hopkins on the job of the translator
and his rwhestra with Elizabeth Baiyh ,S H^wa^^Jones, and _ Pat Macormac
Famous sporting personalities answer queries from listeners. The experts: S.F. Rous, Harold Abrahams, W. Barrington Dalby, and Henry Cotton.
Question-Master, Raymond Glendenning
Episode 5 of the new thriller serial, with Noel Johnson as Dick Barton. Script by Edward J. Mason. Produced by Neil Tuson
Weekly preview of Saturday's sporting events
Beryl Davis on gramophone records
Excerpt from the first night performance of this new musical show, presented by Val Parnell , in conjunction with George Black , Ltd. Produced by Alec Shanks. Associate producer, Charles Henry. Lyrics and music by Dick Hurran and Phil Park
Cast also Includes Alan and Blanche Lund , the Ross Sisters Robert
Lamouret, Jerry Desmonde. Terry Thomas , Victor Feldnian , Ann Stewart , Hazel Bray. The Debroy
Somers Orchestra, directed by Bobby Howell. Back-stage interviews by John Ellison. Commentator, Raymond Glendenning. From the Prince of Wales Theatre. London
BBC Theatre Orchestra: conductor, Walter Goehr. Noel Mewton -Wood (piano)
invites you to visit Waterlogged Spa at Sinking-in-the-Ooze, now a laughter resort for all. to meet Pearl Hackney, Jon Pertwee , Cherry Lind , Richard Gray , Humphrey Lestocq. and George Crow and his ' Blue Mariners ' Dance Band. ' Double or Quits' cash quiz, conducted by Bill Gates. Script by Eric Barker. Programme introduced by Leslie Bridgmont.
(New series). A weekly preview of crime and mystery fiction, with a dramatised thrill from each book. Produced by Audrey Cameron
and his Orchestra in a programme of uninterrupted music
Harry Parry and his Sextet, with Jean Bradbury and Dinah Kaye. From the Potomac Restaurant. London
11.30 Roland Peachey and his Orchestra. From the May Fair Hotel. London