played by the Norfolk Hotel Orchestra, under the direction of Alfred Jupp, from Bournemouth
An accompanist plays some piano solos -Hywel Hughes
'Pets.' Ruth Drew and 'The Radio Vet' give some practical advice on the care of pets
Tony Lowry and Clive Richardson at two pianos
A series of talks about industrial Britain. Bernard Hollowood talks about design in industry, with special reference to the Exhibition of Industrial Design to be held in 1946
from swing to classics
21—' The Devil gets Working.' written by B. L. Jacot , and read by Byron Kane
pilot Officer Edmund Hoekridge , R.C.A.F., with Cpl. Cliff MeAree at the piano. A Canadian Forces Radio Service broadcast
followed by Interlude
An abridgment for broadcasting of W. M. Thackeray 's ' Fireside Pantomime,' in eight instahnents: read by Ronald Simpson. 2 — ' The Princess Angelica '
Produced by Gwen Williams and Stanford Robinson , with Ida Shepley ,
Ivor Sheridan , Stanley Pope , the BBC Theatre Chorus, and the BBC Theatre Orchestra: conductor, Stanford Robinson.
Conductor, Ian Whyte
The day-to-day history of an ordinary family, Produced by David H. God frey and Peter Watts.
9-' A Bricklayer's Problems talk by L. C. Merrion. a journeyman bricklayer
at the piano, improvises on some of the tunes you ask to hear in the ' Family Favourites ' programmes
Troise and his Banjoliers
with Helen iMack , and Stanley Tudor at the theatre organ. Introduced by Sandy Macpherson
from the Green Park Hotel, Bournemouth, with Beryl Orde , Eric Christ mas, and Sim Grossman and his New Foresters, with Gloria Kane and Cyril Stewart. Produced and introduced by Hamilton Kennedy
for Dick Dudley , Dorothy Carless , Benny Lee , and Nat Temple and his Orchestra to entertain you. Produced by Pat Dixon.
Mrs. Wilkes entertains her guests In the bar parlour. Produced by Joan Clark and S. E. Reynolds. (BBC recording)
and his Player*
Talk by Richard Dimbleby
Famous sporting personalities answer listeners' queries. The experts, Charles Buchan , Jack Crump , C. F. Donmall , and, this week. Jack Beresford. who recalls one of the high lights of his rowing career. Question-Master, Raymond Glendenning
Popular songs and music presented in new settings by members of the R.C.N. revue 'Meet the Navy,' directed by Petty Officer Fred Rous , with the voices of Leading Wren Laura Cook -man and Petty Officer Doug. Allan.
The music of Ambrose and his
Orchestra with the songs of Anne Shelton. Presented by Jacques Brown
(Fourth edition). A happy-go-lucky, carefree entertainment, featuring James Etherington , a star from the Services, and the latest radio discoveries. Guest star. Johnny Lockwood. The Debroy Somers Orchestra. Introduced by Carroll Levis . Produced by C. F. Meehan.
Adapted for broadcasting by the author in collaboration with the producer. Alick Hayes. Edited by Rex Diamond and Ian Smith. Music composed and conducted by Leighton Lucas. Part 8
with Geraldo and his Concert Orchestra in a non-stop review of popular melodies through the years
with Marjorie Westbury as Sister Parkinson, Dorothy Carless as Probationer Muspratt , and Alvar Lidell. Eugene Pini and his Orchestra. Produced by David Yates Mason
and his Band, in a programme of uninterrupted music
A sequence of restful music played by the BBC Midland Light Orchestra: conductor, Rae Jenkins
at the theatre organ