and his Versatile Five
featuring Billy Penrose
'Cricket ' : readings from Dickens and A. G. Macdonell on the lighter side of the game
at the organ of the Granada, Tooting
2—' Stories and their Treatment.' Desmond Shawe-Taylor discusses what sort of stories are best suited to opera
from swing to classics
Joyce Grenfell. At the piano, Harry Jacobson
with Coder D. H. Smith , H.M.S. ' Royal Alfred,' relayed from the British Forces Network in Germany
Tenth instalment of a serial reading of John Buchan 's famous story' abridged for broadcasting. Reader, John Laurie
violin: on gramophone records
introduced by Jack Payne with his Concert Orchestra and artists: non-stop melodies orchestrated in the modem manner
Conductor. Rae Jenkins
Jennifer Leigh. At the piano, Norman Hackforth
Today's episode in the day-to-day history of an ordinary family. Produced by Peter Watts. (BBC recording)
by Sam Lilley , Ph.D. Six programmes on our ideas about matter. 2-The link-up between ideas about matter and electricity that took place in the first half of the nineteenth century
Howard Baker and his Band
Episode 7: ' Temple Makes a Decision.' (Recording ot. yesterday's broadcast)
Each week Sandy Macpherson invites a well-known guest to accompany him on a stringed instrument. This week, Billy Thorburn
3—' Confidence Man,' by Robert Barr and Percy Hoskins. Produced by John Glyn-Jones .
Weekly party for Forces in hospitals everywhere, with Margaret Lockwood and Jeanne de Casalis. Two competitions: 'Stars and Sterling'; and 'Sporting Chance,' with John Snagge and a famous sportsman. Harry Hemsley, Dorothy Carless, Monsieur E.M. Stephan, Charles Ernesco and his Sextet, and Rita Williams. Produced by Jill Allgood and C. F. Meehan.
by Matthew Norgate
' Talking of Jazz': John Rowe and Denis Preston discuss jazz and the record collector. Gramophone programme produced by Sheila Fryer
Weekly preview of Saturday's sporting events
Records that your relatives and friends in the Forces at home, in the British Army of the Rhine, and in the Home Fleet have asked us to play
First of a weekly series in which different orchestras present a programme designed for a winter evening by the fireside. This week, The New Metropolitan Orchestra: conductor, Serge Krish
Peggy Cochrane at the piano
(Army Edition)
A Home Forces entertainment for all serving afloat or overseas. You are invited to 'Studio Stand Easy' to meet Sergeant Cheerful Charlie Chester and the happy band of 'Other Cranks' from 'Stars in Battledress.' The Band is the 'Blue-Rockets', conducted by Sergeant Eric Robinson. Service 'Double or Quits' cash quiz, conducted by Will Hay. Produced by Leslie Bridgmont.
Ernest Dudley 's weekly preview of crime and mystery fiction, with a dramatised thrill from each book. Produced by Audrey Cameron
and his Orchestra, in a programme of uninterrupted music
and his Orchestra. From the May Fair Hotel, London