Market trends, news, weather
Tuesdays "Ten to Eight".
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time look at life around the country and across the world
Introduced by Jack DE MANIO
Visitor from Iowa
An interview with the theologian Nels Ferre
and Programme News
Regional Variations (3)
Regional magazine.
Good Morning, Wales!- my.^axme
Revised second edition of the breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by BRUCE CAMPBELL
Ϯ Shortened version of Sunday's broadcast
Introductory music
Alleluia, sing to Jesus (Tune,
Interlude: Not servants but friends, part 1
Be thou my guardian and 'my guide (Tune, Abridge)
Interlude: Not servants but friends. part 2
Prayers with response (3)
The Blessing
Repeated: Friday, 9.5 a.m.
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Exploring Scotland
Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
St. Andrew's Day
New Every Morning, page 83
Jesus calls us! O'er the tumult (BBC H.B. 354)
Psalm 33. vv. 1-12
1 Corinthians 1, vv. 18-31
Christ for the world we sing
(BBC H.B. 172)
Written by Michel Faure
Part 4
Intermediate French series
4: . The parts of your body work together by HARRY ARMSTRONG
Ϯ Junior Science series
The fawn is fired with ambition and Dagobert the dachshund finds a home
Songs; The fawn
The Ion cabin
Introduced by JOHN Huw DAVIES
Written and produced by William Murphy
Traffic between Towns
Compiled by Maurice Whitbread
Regional Variations (3)
Records introduced by Frank Elmes
John EBDON presents further conclusions from three years of undisciplined investigation of the BBC Sound Archives
Produced by Denys Gueroult
Regional Variations (4)
Farm Journal
Merched yn Bennaf; magazine mainly for women
Nature Poslbag
FRANKLIN ENGELMANN recently visited
Petersfield, Hampshire
Produced by Richard Burwood
Sunday's broadcast
Regional Variations (2)
News in Welsh. Weather
and Programme News
The News and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Introduced by WILLIAM DAVIS
Tuesday's broadcast (Light)
Regional Variations (2)
Ar Lin Mam; for the younger listeners!
for children under five
Today's story: 'The canary who wouldn'sing' by Dorothy Stucky
3: Liners and Trawlers
Crossing the North Atlantic in modern ships
Compiled and narrated by PADDY FEENY
Ϯ Exploration Earth series
by Albert Camus adapted for broadcasting by Stuart Evans
3: Death had shown no favouritism'
Books. r*lays. Poems series
Written by Christine Dudley
Ϯ Nature
Once in a Lifetime by Gerry Jones with Kenneth Griffith
June Tobin, Jean Anderson
' We're all allowed one final silliness, Miss Bryant, before old age embraces us. This was my silliness, my once in a lifetime silliness - and now it's over.'
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
from the Cathedral Church of St. Mary (Scottish Episcopal). Edinburgh
Preces and Responses
(William Smith )
Psalms 147, 148, 149. 150
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis
(Wood in F)
Anthem: If thou Shalt confess
Hymn: Jesus calls us
Organist and Master of the Choristers, DENNIS TOWNHILL
Assistant organist, Keith Griffiths
St. Andrew's Day edition from Scotland
My Clarsach and I: ANNE MAC-DEARMID illustrates with words and songs Scotland's oldest musical instrument, the Clarsach, which dates back to biblical times
Fit for a Saint: JANET MURRAY mentions some traditional dishes which will grace festive boards in many parts of the world this St. Andrew's Night The Scots Overseas: PROFESSOR GORDON DONALDSON of Edinburgh University traces the history of Scottish migration since the Middle Ages
I've Wander'd Wide....: KENNETH McKELLAR ,who has sung his way round the world, recalls highlights from St. Andrew's Day celebrations in many different lands
+ Introduced by HOWARD LOCKHART
The Witches' Hill by John Shimmin
Slieau Whallian is still known in the Isle of Man as ' The Witches' Hill.' Should any woman accused of witchcraft survive the journey down. inside a barrel into which stout nails were driven-then she was obviously guilty!
This imaginary event is set in the year 1721. and Produced by TREVOR HILL from the North of England
and Programme News
Regional Variations (7)
Voice of the North: regional magazine
News, Stock Market Reports, News in Welsh
News. Sport
News. Round-Cp
Latest regional news — The - stories behind the headlines' — Scotland Yard Calling— South-East Sport-Football: GORDON Burns on the amateur game — MICHAEL BROOKE .looks , at hsteners' letters in Postscript
Introduced by Tim GUDGIN
Produced by the South-East news unit
Regional Variations (2)
Scottish ' National Party Political Broadcast * '
played by the BBC MIDLAND LIGHT ORCHESTRA Leader, James Hutcheon
Introduced by BRIAN PERKINS
Two-round contests between London and the Regions
London v. Northern Ireland
Round 2 London:
Michael AYRTON
Quiz-Master. LIONEL HALE
Northern Ireland:
Quiz-Master, Roy PLOMLEY
Arranged by Patrick Harvey
Regional Variations (3)
St. Andrew's - Day Programme: music and poetry Ϯ
Recordings from the Cerdd Dant Festival of Wales. 1966
Janet Baker (contralto)
BBC Symphony Orchestra Leader, Hugh Maguire
Conducted by Gary Bertini
Part 1
' Something'll have to be done.' said Jessie's father when he realised her condition. ' She'll have to 'write to him and tell him: I don'care who he is, he's got to be told.'
Part 2 followed by an interlude
Wynford Vaughan-Thomas who remembers the wartime destruction in and around Florence, revisits the city, which has recently suffered even more severely from flood damage
He tells what is being done to salvage the city's priceless art treasures while the life of the people is slowly being restored to normal.
The News
Background to the News
People in the News followed by LISTENING POST
Letters from today's postbag
Ϯ introduced by WALTER JAMES
Regional Variations (2)
News. Forecast for fishermen
The Rose of Tibet by LIONEL DAVIDSON .
Eighteenth of twenty instalments
MELVILLE COOK (organ) from Hereford Cathedral
Ϯ Broadcast in the Midland Home
Service on July*