for farmers
The morning magazine Introduced by Peter Bryant
followed by an interlude
' Except the Lord build the house ...'
National Association of Youth Clubs workers talk about their aims
4: Building a Citizen bv the Chairman of the Scottish Association of Youth Clubs
followed by an interlude
Opening Music: Schubert's Symphony No. 5, in B fiat major
by George Miles
From St. Augustine's Church, Edgbaston
by Rachel Percival
Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
For five- and six-year-olds encouraging them to move to music Tuesday's recorded broadcast
My Lord. my life, my love (BBC
H.B. 330)
New Every Morning, page 83 Psalm 50 (Broadcast psalter) 1 Corinthians 15, vv. 1-11
Love divine, all loves excelling (BBC
H.B. 329)
by Gerald Durrell abridged by Mary Vincent read by Richard Hurndall
Fourteenth of fifteen instalments
Egida Giordani Sartori (harpsichord) plays music by Pasquini and Scarlatti on gramophone records
Introduced by Gladys Whitred Songs and orchestral music for children
A visit to a large motor works near Birmingham
Compiled and presented by Brian Turner
Geography series
Unfall und
Uberraschung Hans does his duty as a good citizen and reaps his reward Script by Marianne Walla
Intermediate German series
Mary Murdoch (oboe)
BBC Welsh Orchestra Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A series of five-round contests between London and the Regions LONDON v. NORTHERN IRELAND
Wednesday's recorded broadcast
A serial story about Tasmania, from the book by Nan Chauncy. which tells how a Tasmanian girl makes friends with a native girl from the past
Part 2
Script by John Allen
Adventures in English series
Caring for Clothes
The possibilities of damaging clothes in washing, ironing, and cleaning are increased by the wide variety of cloth and fibres used today. Each one has its own particular properties which must be recognised if clothes are to be cared for safely.
Script by J. M. Holt
Science and the Community series
Script by Margaret J. Miller
Stories from British History series
Looking through a camera
Eric de Maré. the photographer, considers some of the factors involved in taking a good picture
Chairman, Walter Allen
Broadcasting: Jacques Brunius
Book: Alan Brien
Art: Basil Taylor
Film: Roger Manvell
Theatre: Eric Keown
Sunday's recorded broadcast
Michael Ross admits to being a Simenon addict. When in France he is apt to let his imagination run riot. Sometimes this nearly gets him into trouble. In this talk he tells the story of a strange encounter in a Paris bar and its consequences.
A programme for the fives to eights
Puzzle Corner
Norma Cradock sets some puzzles for you to solve
Spike Hughes introduces a programme for young musicians
This month's guests:
From Northern Ireland:
Peter Worrall (cello)
Accompanist, Havelock Nelson
From the Midlands:
Songs bv the Madrigal Group of King Edward's Five Ways School Birmingham
From London:
Susan Jackson (piano)
Character studies from
Thomas Hardy , Jane Austen and Charles Dickens
4: Catherine Morland from ' Northanger Abbey ' by Jane Austen
. arranged by Donald Bancroft
' Catherine reached the age of seventeen without having seen one amicable youth who could call forth her passion. But when a young lady is to be a heroine, something must and will happen to throw a hero in her way.'
Reader, Betty Hardy
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
this week examines Britain's Defence Policy
The Government's White Paper on Defence will be published shortly, setting out policy for the next five years.
ERSKINE CHILDERS introduces an examination of the problems and possible solutions with Richard GOOLD-ADAMS ,Vice-Chairman. Institute for Strategic Studies
COLONEL ALUN GWYNNE-JONES. Defence correspondent of The Times
SIR FITZROY MACLEAN, m.p.. Secretary of State for War 1954-1957
PROFESSOR TOM WILSON, Adam Smith Professor of Political Economy at Glasgow University
THE RT. Hon. Kenneth YOUNGER, Director-General of Royal Institute of International Affairs
Editorial research by Anthony Moncrieff
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, In G major
Concerto in D minor for oboe, violin, and string orchestra played by I Musici on a gramophone record