for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
The Rev. Kenneth Slack tells about Christian Unity on the basis of some commonly heard remarks ' What I always say is-
You can't change human nature'
followed by an interlude
Opening Music: Haydn's Trumpet Concerto in E flat major
Nelson Cooke (cello)
Colin Kingsley (piano)
by Rachel Percival
Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
For five- and six-year-olds encouraging them to move to music Tuesday's recorded broadcast
Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul
Disposer supreme (BBC H.B. 266) New Every Morning, page 41 Psalm 85 (Broadcast psalter) Acts 26, vv. 4-5, 9-20
The Church of God a kingdom is
(BBC H.B. 183)
by Gerald Durrell abridged by Mary Vincent read by Richard Hurndall Fourth of fifteen instalments
The Loewenguth Quartet playing the String Quartet in A major by the eighteenth-century
French composer, Pierre Vachon on a gramophone record
Introduced by Gladys Whitred Songs and orchestral music for children
A visit to iron ore workings which supply the large iron and steel mill at Corby
Compiled and introduced by Sam Pollock
Geography series
Eric Harrison (piano)
BBC Scottish Orchestra Led by Granville Casey
Conductor, Norman Del Mar
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A poetry programme including ' A Boy, is a Boy ' by Ogden Nash Adventures in English series
Man-Made Fibres
Chemists have found ways of producing new textile fibres from such unlikely raw materials as wood pulp, coal, and oil
Script by J. B. Taylor
Science and the Community series
Rogue and Vagabond (1566) Script by Sam Langdon
Stories from British History series
How an artist looks
Julian Trevelyan describes how he, as a painter, sets about his work
Script by Julian Trevelyan
Chairman, Walter Allen
Film: Roger Manvell
Theatre: Bamber Gascoigne
Broadcasting: Stephen Potter
Book: J. G. Weightman
Art: Basil Taylor
Sunday's recorded broadcast
Two talks by Peter Duval Smith
2: A Schoolboy's Tour of Addis
' When in difficulty, ask a schoolboy,' Peter Duval Smith was told by the wisest man in Ethiopia. So he found one to conduct him round the teeming night life of Addis Ababa.
A programme for the fives to eights
Songs by Cyril Tawney
' Sammy ' written by May Marsh and read by Rosina Enright who also introduces the programme
A Concert for Young People
From Cory Hall, Cardiff
BBC Welsh Orchestra Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conductor and compere, Rae Jenkins
Before an invited audience of pupils from Canton High School for Girls and Canton High School for Boys The items are requested by the children
Production by Evelyn Williams
Character studies from
Thomas Hardy , Jane Austen and Charles Dickens
3: Bathsheba Everdene from
' Far from the Madding Crowd ' by Thomas Hardy arranged by Honor Wyatt
' She never looked so well as when she was angry-and particularly when the effect was heightened by a rather dashing velvet dress, carefully put on before the glass.'
Reader, Mary Wimbush
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
This weekly series on current affairs brings to the microphone personalities and issues before the public
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Concerto Grosso No. 12, in G major Concerto Grosso No. 14, in E minor played by the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Fritz Lehmann on a gramophone record