A reading taken from
' Essence of Christianity' by Anders Nygren translated by Philip S. Watson
Reader, the Rev. Arthur Ross Wilson
BBC Concert Orchestra
Leader, William Armon
Conductor, Vilem Tausky
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
As I See It: personal comment from Ruth Pitter
The Favoured Generation: a look at modern youth 2 : Four apprentices
Dollar Export: Patricia Har vey's year in America as an English secretary
Party Giving: by Barbara Back , with some side-lines on how not to do it
from St. Mary's Baptist Church Norwich
Conducted by the Minister, the Rev. Claude W. Lapsley
Introit: They that wait upon the Lord (Bullock)
Invocation and the Lord's Prayer
Thou art the Everlasting Word
(R.B.C.H. 77)
Lesson: St. Matthew 6, vv. 24-34 Prayers
I waited for the Lord my God
(R.B.C.H. 351)
The King of love my Shepherd is
(R.B.C.H. 63)
Organist. Cyril Pearce
Regional Variations (2)
Galw Heibio: record requests for patients
Stephen Dodgson composer and broadcaster recalls and illustrates his progress through the world of music
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
Record Retrospect of 1960 Contributed by Trevor Harvey ,
William Mann and Andrew Porter
A request programme of gramophone records
Introduced by Jan van der Gucht
Concerto in D minor for oboe and strings, P. 259 (Vivaldi): Renato Zanfini (oboe): Virtuosi di Roma , conducted by Renato Fasano
Seven Spanish Popular Songs
(Falla): Victoria de los Angeles (soprano); Gerald Moore (piano)
Sleigh Ride (Delius): Royal Phil harmonic Orchestra: conductor, Sir Thomas Beecham , Et.
Conducted by Walter Allen Radio: H. A. L. Craig
Book: John Metcalf
Art: Andrew Forge Film: Dilys Powell
Theatre: J. W. Lambert
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
First of two programmes on FIFTY YEARS OF
Introduced by James Fisher
The first gramophone record of bird songs was published in 1910. Since then more than three hundred records have been issued covering thirty countries in all parts of the world.
I: Land Birds
With the recorded voices of Ludwig Koch , Tom Benson C. R. Mason , L. I. Davis
Jerry Stillwell. G. R. Williams Peter Corke , Myles North and B. N. Veprintsev
Script by James Fisher
Produced by Jeffery Boswall
Regional Variations (2)
Scottish Bookshelf
The C.A.B.
A wide variety of problems and worries are solved every day by Citizens' Advice Bureaux
Chloe Davis , Information Officer to the National Citizens' Advice Bureaux Committee, describes the help that is available
Regional Variations (2)
The Scottish Garden
visits Middlesex
Members of the Streamside Horticultural Association Pinner put their problems to
Fred Loads , Bill Sowerbutts Alan Gemmell
Freddy Grisewood
Arranged by Peter Anderson
Uto Ughi (violin)
BBC Northern Orchestra Leader, Reginald Stead Conducted by Stanford Robinson
Part 1
Biblical Influence by Howard Sergeant
A contemporary poet talks about a theme that is important to him and makes a selection of poems, including his own, that have been suggested by it. Reader: Bruce Stewart
Part 2
Regional Variations (3)
Welsh news survey
Gaelic Service
A sound recording of last Thursday's television programme
Nicolas Nabakov
The Earl of Harewood
Bernard Williams
Cecil Day Lewis
Norman Fisher
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour. ' Murray of the Mercy Flight ': play*. Fire-side Sunday School
The story of Lambert Sinmel
Pretender to the throne of England in 1487 Adapted for radio in two parts by DAVID SCOTT DANIELL from his book of the same name 2: Edward of England
Produced by Peggy Bacon
Five talks by the Rev. Gwilym ap Robert
2: It's not in the stars
A weekly talk on financial affairs, private and public
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
followed by RADIO NEWSREEL
A summary of last week's events
Reginald Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
Visiting artist, Mary Thomas
by Alistair Cooke
Regional Variations (3)
Service from St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Lurgan. Co. Armagh
Service from Lylesland Parish Church. Paisley
Christians think about their faith and its living expression
About Prayer
An enquiry into the understanding and practice of prayer from
Bristol Road Methodist Church, Northfield, Birmingham
The questions are asked by members of the congregation and answered by THE REV. R. W. HUGHJONES Minister of Warwick Road
Congregational Church, Coventry C. A. JOYCE
Headmaster of The Cotswold School.
Ashton Keynes , G. W. H. LAMPE
Swindon CANON
Ely Professor of Divinity University of Cambridge THE REV. HAROLD Roberts
Principal of Richmond College, and President of the World Methodist Council
Presented by Eric Blennerhassett
Appeal on behalf of the Mental After Care Association by Sir Michael Redgrave , C.B.E.
Contributions (preferably by crossed postal order or cheque) will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to Sir Michael Redgrave. C.B.E,The Mental After Care Association. [address removed]
Eighty years ago the Mental After Care Association pioneered the work which is now so widely discussed-that of providing friendly Homes in which early psychiatric cases and those discharged from Mental Hospitals can be rehabilitated, and those without friends be given permanent care or recuperative holidays. More than 100,000 have been helped, but more Homes are needed. Although Local Authorities pay maintenance fees, the money to provide Homes has to be found from voluntary sources.
Dramatised as a serial in ten parts by Muriel Levy with Rachel Gurney and Carleton Hobbs
Tony Croom invites Clare to visit Jack Muskham 's stables where he now works. On the way home the lights on his car fail, and, rather than risk an accident, Clare suggests they spend the night in the car. Some time later she receives notice that her husband Gerald has started divorce proceedings against her, naming Tony Croom as co-respondent, and claiming substantial damages.
Dinny is distraught for her sister, convinced of Clare's innocence and knowing Tony could never pay the damages if he and Clare lost the case.
Part Six
Produced by Robin Midgley and Val Gielgud
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh songs of the hearth
See top of column 4 and page 16
Regional Variations (3)
As North
Service of Holy Communion from Liverpool Parish Church. Celebrant. Canon G. C. C. Pepys
Three of his waltzes played by Moura Lympany (piano) on a gramophone record
Regional Variations (2)
Contact: discussion on ad-mass and egg-heads
played by Nina Milkina
A light to the Gentiles
Isaiah 60. vv. 1-6 and v. 11
Canticle 12 (Broadcast psalter) St. Matthew 1. v. 18, to 2, v. 12
Earth has many a noble city (BBC
H.B. 64)
St. Luke 1, vv. 78 and 79
followed by late weather forecast
Aurele Nicolet (flute)
George Malcolm (harpsichord)
Recorded at a concert given before members of the City Music Society in the Goldsmiths' Hall, London