Light Orchestra
Conductor, David Curry
Forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Market Trends
First edition
A breakfast-time magazine followed by MORNING MUSIC
A poet's impression of The Lord's Prayer and a poem on ' Thy will be done ' by David Scott Blackhall
Forecast for land areas
Second edition
A bulletin of food news
Compiled and read by Louise Davies
Regional Variations (3)
Round-up of events
Signpost: from the East Midlands
by R. Murray Smith
' It could only have happened in the Army. After a desert skirmish I had to go to hospital, and when I was convalescing there appeared, in the orders of the day, a request for men who knew anything about vegetables to report for special duty. Three days later Corporal Murray Smith was on his way to the Lebanese frontier with authority to acquire or reject the potato crop of an entire nation.'
by Terence Beckles
Records of some of his sacred music
On Jordan's bank (BBC H.B. 38) New Every Morning, page 61 Psalm 97 (Broadcast Psalter) St. John 3, vv. 22-36
Jesus shall reign (BBC H.B. 460)
Harry Leader and his Band
The voices of the original stars in a musical evening of sixty years ago
Introduced by Colin Maclnnes
by the Hon. Mrs. Mary Bell
Mrs. Bell, who was Maid of Honour to Queen Alexandra at the Coronation of 1902, recalls the formalities and gaieties of the Court at Windsor.
(The recorded broadcast of July 20 in the Third Programme)
Overture. The White Lady (Boieldieu):
London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Jean Martinon
Piano Concerto No. 2, in D minor
(MacDowelt): Vivian Rivkin (piano), Vienna State Opera Orchestra, conducted by Dean Dixon
Slavonic Dance No. 11. in F (Dvorak):
Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Nicolai Maiko on gramophone records
Regional Variations (4)
Farming and fishing news
The Farmer: magazine
Living from the Land
An agricultural weekly
W. H. Darling , who farms at Royston, Hertfordshire, talks about his recent study (as a Nuffield Scholar) of the sheep and grain industries in New Zealand and Australia
David Beal, Principal of Northampton Institute of Agriculture, discusses the most profitable time to lamb some of the common sheep breeds and crosses
P. A. Yeomans. an Australian, talks on the Keyline Plan of water conservation
News commentary by Leonard Amey
The ' On Your Farm ' Vet
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
and to prove it
Kenneth Williams , Hugh Paddick
Betty Marsden , Ron Moody
Patricia Lancaster support him in a sort of radio show
(The recorded broadcast of July 29 in the Light Programme)
and his
Latin-American Orchestra
Produced by Frank Hooper
Music from North America and Denmark
BBC Scottish Orchestra
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conducted by Colin Davis
by Brock Williams and Gilbert Hackforth-Jones
Produced by Betty Davies
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh
Sentence: Confession; Absolution The Lord's Prayer
Preces; Responses (Tomkins) Psalm 89
First Lesson: Esther 6 and 7 Magnificat (Wood in C minor) Second Lesson: St. John 15
Nunc dimittis (Wood in C minor)
Creed; Lesser Litanv; Responses
Anthem: 0 pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Howells)
The Grace
Organist and Master of Choristers,
F. G. Carter
Sitting-In: As an experienced grandmother, Isobel Marvin says there is no such thing. (BBC recording)
Opus 18 No. 2: Peter Quince remembers how he was first waylaid by Beethoven. (BBC recording)
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour. ' White Rose and Golden Lion play by Bertha Lonsdale. Part 1
As North
For Younger Listeners
' The Adventures of Galldora '
Four more stories about Marybell's rag doll written for Children's Hour by Modwena Sedgwick told by Jo
3-' Galldora and the Big Business Man '
' Oh, Galldora,' said Marybell, ' you're a very naughty doll-I don't believe you listen to any of the lessons I give you. If you don't pay attention, I'll have to think of some other way of educating you.' And that was how it was that Galldora found herself one day in Marybell's father's brief-case.
5.20 ' The Barons' Hostage
An adventure serial in four parts by Geoffrey Trease
Adapted by the author from his book of the same name
3—' The Leopard Loose '
Produced by Graham Gauld
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. D. Jones-Davies
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Round-up of events
News, sport
News. sport
News, sport. News in Welsh
News. sport
News. sport
A programme for listeners in the South-East of England
6.15 Local news followed by Reports and comments
6.37 app. London Stock Market report
6.15 6.25 VHF: Rowridge
(92.9 Mc/s) for the South Coast:
Area news and weather summary
Regional Variations (2)
Tramor: Welsh news from overseas
Regional Variations (2)
As North
from a West Country
Square Dance Party
Nibs Matthews and Pat Shaw
Songs from
Tony and Peggy Palmer
Music by the Jolly Waggoners
Master of Ceremonies,
Bernard Fishwick
Produced by Brian Patten
From Yeovil, Somerset
Regional Variations (5)
Ulster Farm: Open Forum
Harry Engleman and his Players
Byd Natur: Naturalists' Brains Trust
BBC West of England Light Orchestra; Frederick Harvey (baritone)
Rex Palmer introduces portraits in sound of famous broadcasting personalities compiled from the BBC library of recordings
C. H. Middleton
Produced by John Powell
(The recorded broadcast of July 22
See above
Part 1
Part 2
Regional Variations (2)
Mid-week Sportsreel
The Munich Crisis of 1938 A documentary feature programme based on official records and on the recollections of those who endured or witnessed the ordeal of Czechoslovakia
Written by Francis Watson Produced by Robert Pocock
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Ere I Sleep: Prayers
London Stock Market closing report, and a review of today's overseas commodity and financial news