BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Jack Leon
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
See Light Programme
' The Bread of Life '
Talk by the Rev. Ella Gordon
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
by Sylvester Stein former editor of the African magazine Drum
Insight into life in the segregated African areas of Johannesburg is not easy for a European. Mr. Stein once tried the extreme method of becoming a non-European (with the aid of permanganate and a new hair style). He describes his adventures.
All hail the power of Jesus' name
(BBC H.B. 118)
New Every Morning, page 33 Psalm 24 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Matthew 17, vv. 14-27
Firmly I believe and truly (BBC
H.B. 168)
See Light Programme
A weekly contest between forty-eight choirs from all over England
A sound approach to the cinema
(Shortened version of Sunday's recorded broadcast in the Light Programme)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A new radio play by Leslie Halward
Music arranged and directed by Gerry Alvarez
Musical associate, Alan Waterman
Production by Victor Menzies
For Children of Most Ages
A Message for Thinking Day from the Deputy Chief Commissioner,
Girl Guides ,
Mrs. Robert Bernays , J.P.
5.5 ' Line of Fire '
An adventure of Norman and Henry Bones the boy detectives
Written for Children's Hour by Anthony C. Wilson
Production by Josephine Plummer
(A new production of the play originally broadcast on March 25, 1954)
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Ben Parkin, M.P. gives his impressions of what he heard and saw in Parliament
Cicely Courtneidge and Jack Hulbert with Billy Burden , Andy Cole
Ronnie Barker , Patricia Hayes
Daphne Spottiswoode
Muriel Cooke , Arthur Haynes
The George Mitchell Choir
BBC Variety Orchestra (Leader, John Jezard )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Continuity and Ted Ray 's sketch by Terry Nation and John Junkin
' Pocket Theatre ' written by Jack Hulbert
Produced by Alastair Scott-Johnston
by Lionel Shapiro adapted by Cynthia Pughe
Produced by Peter Watts
followed by late weather forecast for land areas