Band of the Royal Dragoons
Conductor, Mr. A. F. Trythall
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
Christ the King
6 — 'The King Eternal '
Bible readiing and comment by the Rev. W. Moelwyn Merchant
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Robert Busiby
and his Orchestra with Paul Rich
Rusty Hurren , Jimmy Mayers
Phil Tate and his Orchestra with Tony Mervyn
Max Jaffa (violin)
Reginald Kilbey (cello)
Jack Byfiedd (piano)
How lovely are thy dwellings fair!
(S.P 525)
New Every Mourning, page 83
Psalm 36. w. 1-12 ( Broadcast Psalter) Acts 16, v. 35, to 17, v. 9
Soldiers of Christ, artse (A. and1 M.
270; S.P. 641)
The Promenade Players
Conductor, Sidney Bowman
(Leader, Frank Thomas )
Conductor, Gilbert Viniter
and forecast for farmers and shipping
British Open Amateur
Report by Henry Longhurst on the last day of play
From the Royal Porthcawl Clubhouse.
South Wales
Lunchtime scoreboard
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
presents Colours to
The Royal Air Force in the United Kingdom
(Tueisday's recorded broadcast)
British Open Amateur
Further report from Porthcawl
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
(Ben Lyon broadcasts by permission of Twentieth Century-Fox; Bette Davis and Garry Merrill broadcast by permission of Daniel M. Angel and Douglas Fairbanks, Jnr; Bud Flanagan is appearing in ' Knights of Madness' at the Victoria Palace, London)
by David Raven