Barrow Shipyard Band
Conductor. Herbert Sutcliffe
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Light music from
Stockholm William Lind 's
Orchestra Hasse Wallin 's Accordion Quartet
A talk by the Very Rev. Canon T. J. FitzGerald of the Church of St. Mary and St. Michael, Stepney
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Talk by Helen Davies
and his Sextet.
Southern Serenade Orchestra
Directed by Lou Whiteson
by a doctor.
Edith Lewin (mezzo-soprano)
Lilly Phillips (cello) Jean Mackie (piano)
Songs by Parry. Vaughan Williams. and Quilter
News commentary
Spirit of mercy; N.E.M. 101; Psalm 119; St. John 6; Give light, 0 Lord
Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
GENERAL SCIENCE. Science and Music: 5—‘ How Music is Recorded '
11.40 FRENCH FOR SIXTH FORMS. Lecture dramatique de quelques scenes d* ' Athalie ' de Racine. (Programme enregistre dans les studios de la Radiodiffusion Française avec le concours des comediens de la Compagnie Noel Vincent )
Roland Peachey and his May Fair Orchestra
from an engineering firm in Gains-borough. Introduced by Leslie Adams
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reports from Britain and overseas
LIVING IN THE COUNTRY. Electricity comes to the village and Mr. Barker wonders how it will affect his customers. Script by H. M. Burton
2.25 GEOGRAPHY. Monsoon Lands of India and the Far East': Siam. Script by Andrew Gilchrist
2.50 JUNIOR ENGLISH. A true tale: ' Thomas Britton , the musical coal-man,' by Jean Sutcliffe
Talk by Ada Bradford
by Leonard Merrick
Adapted for broadcasting by Andrea Troubridge
by Luigi Pirandello
Translated by Elizabeth Abbott
Adapted for radio by Robert Rietty
Plays produced by Noel Iliff
Children's Concert
BBC Welsh Orchestra
Conductor, Mansel Thomas
Eira West (piano)
Given before an audience of children in the Reardon Smith Lecture Theatre. Cardiff
5.30 For Your Bookshelf
Derek McCulloch (Uncle Mac) reviews recently published children's books
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by John G. Williams
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Contributors from all over the United Kingdom talk about some of the things that are going on in Britain now
Introduced by A. G. Street
Edited by Patrick Beech