Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Scottish Variety Orchestra Conductor, Kemlo Stephen
Reading from Angus Dun 's book
' Not by Bread Alone'
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by ' The Radio Doctor'
Gramophone records of orchestra! music by Haydn, Falla, and Brahms
At thy feet. O Christ, we lay (A. and M. 6. omitting v. :i; S.P. 24: C.H. 265. omitting v. 3: Tune, Heath-lands)
Interlude: The Garden of Gethsemane
Prayers: the Prayer for Help; the Lord's Prayer
He who would valiant be (A. and M. 676: S.P. 515: C.H. 576; sung in S.P. version: Tune, Monks Gate)
Mary Peppin and Geraldine Peppin
News commentary
Paraphrase 20; ' New Every Morning ' 45; Magnificat; St. Luke 2; S.P. 469
Jack Simpson and his Sextet
11.20 CITIZENSHIP. ‘If You Lived in Latin America' (5): A coffee plantation in Brazil. Script by Rhoda Power
11.40 talks for SIXTH FORMS. Current affairs
of records. Edited by Anna Instone
from a canteen in Mansfield, with Jean Melville at the piano.
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Harry Parry and his Sextet
TRAVEL TALKS. ‘Come and Visit Us ’: K. de B. Codrington talks about life in a cotton-growing village in India
2.20 let's JOIN IN-' Baby Sparrow's Adventure ': an original tale by Shiela Steen
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH I. ' Tom Brown's Schooldays,' by Thomas Hughes : a talk about a famous school story. Script by C. Ivan Gray
Martin Boddey (tenor)
Kantrovitch Trio
Conducted this week by James Laver
4.16 Films: Edgar Anstey
4.25 Theatre: Eric Keown
4.33 Books: Alan Dent
4.40 Radio: Rose Macaulay
4.48 Art: J. Isaacs
' Biffer Again,' by Elf Lewis Clarke, told by Ernest Jay. 3— ' The Flower Show '
5.15 'Ballet Shoes' by Noel Streatfeild , adapted as a serial play in six parts by Felicity Douglas. Produced by Josephine Plummer. Part 3
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Sport and topical talk
A radio parlour game with Matthew Halton , Daphne Padel , Jack Train , and a guest asking all the questions, and Richard Dimbleby knowing all the answers. Programme presented by A lick Hayes
Recorded at the Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth