Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Gramophone records of well-known American light orchestras
Readings from Acts 8
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Music Masters
played by Helen Pyke and Paul Hamburger
A talk by William Dunning
News commentary
A. and M. 261 (S.P. 455); N.E.M. 21; Psalm 34; St. Luke 2; S.P. 308
Metropolitan Police Central Band
Conducted by Mr. Roger Barsotti, Director of Music
Singing Together
by Ronald Biggs
11.20 How Things Began: Men Paint Pictures and Carve Bone (Cave Art). Script by Rhoda Power and Dina Dobson.
11.40 Intermediate French
by Marie Touchard.
Concours: 'Allo, Allo.' Les Eleves auront a deviner quelle est la personne qui parle au telephone, et ce dont elle parle. Chanson: ' Quand Marion va-t-au moulin
12.5 p.m. Bible Talks for Sixth Forms
'The Meaning of the Epistle to the Romans: The Fundamental Solution,' by the Rev. F.D. Coggan D.D., Principal of the London College of Divinity
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra play old-time dance music, and Morgan Davies entertains with old-time ballads. Script written and programme introduced by Patric Curwen. Dancing instruction by Sydney Thompson Producer, Stanton Jefferies
(cello): on gramophone records
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. ' Pizarro explores Peru and meets Atahualpe, the Inca (1532).' Script by Rhoda Power
2.30 ORCHESTRAL CONCERT SERIES. Second concert: BBC Welsh Orchestra and Penarth Ladies Choir. Excerpts from Mendelssohn's incidental music for ' A Midsummer Night's Dream.' Programme introduced and conducted by Reginald Jacques.
Rex Harris presents records that have survived the test of time
London v. Glasgow
Francisco Conde and his Latin-American Orchestra
' Domestic Servants '
The story of a domestic help who sues her employer. Narrator, James McKechnie. Written and produced by Jenifer Wayne
' Through the Looking-Glass ' by Lewis Carroll , arranged as a dialogue story. 5—' Queen Alice'
5.30 Young artists entertain
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Sport and topical talk
by Beatrice Mayor
[starring] Marie-Ney, Esme Percy, Barry Morse, Ellen Pollock