Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Anton and his Orchestra.
Devotional readings from Francis Greenwood Peabody 's book 'Mornings in the College Chapel and prayers
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Talk by Sophie Somers
and his Orchestra
A series of talks on posture. 3-' How you grow by what you eat,' by Samson Wright, M.D.. John Astor Professor of Physiology in the University of London
at the organ of the Regal, Kingston, Surrey
Records of his String Quartet, and the overture to ' Nabucco '
News commentary
from page 101 of "New Every Morning" and page 16 of "Each Returning Day". Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove: Psalm 19, vv. 7-15; St. Matthew 14, vv. 13-21; Lighten the darkness of our life's long night
Nat Allen and his Orchestra
THE PRACTICE AND SCIENCE OF GARDENING. ' Factory Fertilisers,' by Alan Pea cock.
11.20 CURRENT AFFAIRS 11.40 FRENCH FOR SIXTH FORMS. ' Henri de Regnier, un grand poete moderne '
of records. Edited by Anna Instone
Programme given by workers of a large shipbuilding yard. Introduced by David Southwood »
Astra Desmond (contralto), Joan Davies (piano), Dennis Brain and Norman Del Mar (horns), Max Sal peter and Colin Sauer (violins), Watson Forbes (viola), John Moore (cello), and J. Edward Merrett (double bass). Programme arranged by Basil Douglas.
Stephen Williams introduces the first of two gramophone programmes illustrating a century of English drawing-room songs
FOR RURAL SCHOOLS. Finding Out About Dylsford. ' Dylsford School,' by Honor Wyatt. The explorers find much to learn about village schools
2.25 GENERAL science. ' Growing Up,' by Richard Palmer. Growing up on land
2.50 junior ENGLISH. A true story of the recent war
and his Band
Recorded entertainment by coloured artists, introduced by Denis Preston
Wednesday Matinee
A short story by Somerset Maugham , adapted for broadcasting by H. Oldfield Box
by A. W. Henderson
Plays produced by Noel Iliff
For casts see Saturday at 2.0 (Light)
' Secret Headquarters': a new Norman and Henry Bones detective play by Anthony C. Wilson. Produced by Josephine Plummer
5.35 'The Royal Visit to South Africa': a talk by Francis Butters
5.50 Children's Hour prayers
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Topical talk and sport
by Charles Dickens. Dramatised as a radio serial in twelve parts by V. C. Clinton-Baddeley . Incidental music composed by Denys Darlow. Produced by Wilfrid Grantham. Part5-
' Madame Defarge'
Weekly talks on countries of Europe
of the European Service
Billy Riddick (trumpet), Jimmy Skid-more (tenor saxophone). Syd Phillips (clarinet), Woolf Phillips (trombone), Frank Deniz (guitar). Dick Katz (piano). Will Hemmings (string bass), Syd Heiger (drums). Produced by Robin Scutt and John Forman
for the last time in the present series, his programme of stars, personalities, songs, and music. This week, two guest artists, and Sally Rogers , and Linda Parker , with Vic Oliver conducting the British Concert Orchestra. Script by Ray Sonin. Produced by Eric Spear.
(New series). A weekly programme about work in the world of science
' Food Investigation.' This week Science Survey goes to one of the principal laboratories of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research-the Low Temperature Research Station, Cambridge-to hear from the Superintendent, Dr. Franklin Kidd, F.R.S., and members of his staff about research work in progress
Part 1
Part 2
by H. D. G. Leveson-Gower
Gramophone records of Judy Garland ,
Bing Crosby , and Johnny Mercer
Violets. White or Black': short story written and read by Trudy Bliss