Exercises for men and women
Today's entries include records of music by Rossini, Massenet, and Rimsky-Korsakov
' The Word of God to his People': Psalms 1 and 50
Cooking for One, by Ella Gordon Park
and his Orchestra
T. J. Hanna describes his own part of County Londonderry
Gramophone records
Introductory music
Immortal, invisible, God only wise (S.P. 535; C.H. 12; Tune: St. Denio)
Prayers: The Prayer for Happiness; the Lord's Prayer
Blest are the pure in heart (A. and M. 261; S.P. 455; C.H. 478; Tune: Franconia)
In the Confectioner's Kitchen; Waltz (Whipped Cream),- on gramophone records
News commentary
from page 117 of ' New Every Morning ' and page 62 of ' Each Returning Day.' Beloved, let us love; Psalm 85: St. Mark 7, w. 24-37; Gracious Spirit, Holy .Ghost
Robinson Cleaver at the organ of the Granada. Clapham Junction
11.20 senior HISTORY I. Britain and her neighbours. ' The Men of Massachusetts begin the Fight' (1775), by Sam Langdon : Paul Revere rides from Boston to Lexington to summon the men ef Massachusetts to take up arms against the British
11.40 1WRTH-FORM FEATURES. ' Benvenuto Cellini ': broadcast about the great Florentine metal-worker and sculptor, based on his memoirs
Conducted by Capt. T. S. Chandler , Director of Music, Welsh Guards
Regimental Quick March: The Rising of the Lark
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain.
How everyday things are moulded from Plastics: how they gave a new lease of life. to wooden planes and gliders: last of three talks by 'Rear Ranker'
aj: the theatre organ
I YSGOLION CYMRU (For Welsh schools). Rhigwm a ChAn: cyfres gan Huldah Bassett. 'i blant tua 7 oed. 6-' Caneuon am Anifeiliaid '
2.10 HOW THINGS BEGAN. The First Corn Bins,' by Rhoda Power : how men of the New Stone Age began to cultivate and store corn ; the ' BBC Observer from the Past ' visits a neolithic village in Egypt. (BBC recording)
2.35 SENIOR ENGLISH 11. Book programme, bv Desmond Hawkins : The Ship.' by C. S. Forester. Part 2— ' The Crew in Action '
Arthur Dulay and his Cameo Orchestra
from the Chapel of King's College, Cambridge
Antiphon: Drop, drop, slow tears (Gibbons)
Versicles and Responses (Byrd)
Psalm 148
First Lesson: Genesis 45, vv. 1-8
Magnificat (Byrd, Third Service)
Second Lesson: Philippians 2, vv. 1-11
Nunc dimittis (Byrd, Third Service)
Creed and Collects
Call to remembrance (Farrant)
' The I's Have It': an exposure of lovers' conceits and exaggerations, by Peter Eton
' The Name on the Label,' introducing Sidney Torch
Ralph Reader reminisces
' Melodies of the Masters,' chosen and introduced by Joseph Lewis
Programme edited by Pat Osborne
(Welsh Children's Hour). ' Teulu Brynheulog ,' . gan Tom Richards : drama gyfres newydd yn croniclo hanes John Roberts. Golygydd y Cronicl, a'i deulu. 2— ' Anawsterau Alun '
' Country Magazine ' (Children's Hour number): The Carse of Stirling': written and produced by Moultrie R. Kelsall
Why do the shipping interests want to run air services? How can they promise to do so without subsidy? What will be done to make flying possible for the ordinary person? These topics are discussed by John Booth , Chairman of a holding group of five shipping companies, and Capt. A. G. Lamplugh , Chairman of the Independent Committee on Civil Aviation
' British University,' written by Robert Gittings , produced by D. G. Bridson. A story of one of Britain's foremost universities in wartime.
Conductor, Charles Groves
with Polly Ward and Gene Gerrard
Cast includes Dorothy Gordon , Philip Cunningham , and the Doré Trio. BBC Revue Chorus and the augmented Dance Orchestra, conducted by Stanley Black
Featuring ' Unswinging the Jazz Classics'; Wives of Famous Men'; ' New Songs for Old'; Going County. Choral arrangements and direction by Max Saunders. Script by Polly Ward. Gene Gerrard , and Henrik Ege. Produced by Eric Fawcett
with impromptu answers to listeners' questions: Commander A. B. Campbell , Lord Elton, L. C. Merrion (bricklayer), E. Arnot Robertson ; Barbara Wootton (social economist). Question-Master, Geoffrey Crowther. (BBC recording)
followed by War Report or a topical talk
BBC Theatre Orchestra, with Henry Wendon (tenor) Joan and Valerie Trimble (two pianos), and the BBC Theatre Chorus. Conductor, Stanford Robinson. (Recording of the broadcast on August 22; 1944)
Programme includes the waltz A Thousand and One Nights,' by 'Johann Strauss , and a selection from ' Gypsy Love,' by Franz Lehar
' To keep vigil with our men '
A selection of contemporary American poetry, chosen and introduced by David Gascoyne
and his 'Orchestra, with Sally Douglas , Len Camber. Johnny Green , Alan Grant. Archie Lewis , and Three Boys and a Girl.
Quartet in A flat. Op. 105 played by the Prague String Quartet. (Gramophone records)