Exercises for men: Coleman Smith
Exercises for women: May Brown
Today's entries: gramophone of music by Ole Bull , Reger, and Verdi
Readings and prayers
W. P. Matthew talks to housewives
on gramophone records
Talk by Alfred Hall , Jnr.
Mixed choice of records. The high spot isjlandel's Oboe Concerto in B flat, played by Leon Goossens , with the London Philharmonic Orchestra. conducted by Eugene Goossens
News commentary
from page 97 of ' New Every Morning ' and page 36 of ' Each Returning Day.' Come down, 0 love divine; Psalm 15; St. Mark 4, vv. 10-20; When God of old came down from heav'n
and his Orchestra, on gramophone records
SINGING TOGETHER, by Herbert Wise-man
Who would true valour see (hymn)
0 can ye sew cushions? (Scots song) When shall we be married, John? (English folk song)
11.20 SCIENCE AND GARDENING: 'Fruitful Fences,' by C. F. Lawrance
12.0 BIBLE TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS: Understanding the Old Testament: ' The Temple,' by Dr. T. H. Robinson
(piano), on gramophone records
Sonata in D minor (Scarlatti)
Ballade No. 1, in G minor (Chopiny
ENSA show introduced by Bryan Michie. Geraldo and his Orchestra, with Sally Douglas , Len Camber , and Johnny Green. Guest artists, Kay Cavendish and Peter Cavanagh
Dorothy M. Pickles , introduced by Macdonald Hastings , describes her impressions of the New France
Selections from ' Mr. Cinders ' and ' Yes, Madam.' on gramophone records
For RURAL SCHOOLS (Scotland), by John R. Allan 'Dunord Castle.' (BBC recording)
2.5 WORLD HISTORY. Great stories from the past. 'Charles the Great and his Paladins,' by Silvia Goodall. No. 1 â 'Roland and Oliver'
2.30 ORCHESTRAL CONCERT SERIES. Illustrated talk: 'Where is the Melody?' by Joseph Smith
2.50 MUSIC broadcast for OLDER PUPILS: Beethoven's Overture: Coriolanus. (Gramophone records)
Stajaley Black and the Dance Orchestra
on gramophone records
Essay for Orchestra (Barber): Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra
Piano Concerto No. 2, in D minor
(MacDowell): J. M. Sanroma (piano) and the -Boston 'Pops' Orchestra
Symphony No. 3 (Harris): Boston
Symphony Orchestra
at the theatre organ
Two of his narrative poems. Baile and Aillinn ' and ' The Old Age of Queen Maeve,' read by Cyril Cusack
Trafodaeth ar bynciau amaethyddol. (Discussion in Welsh)
Songs by the Three Semis
' The Farm that wouldn't be
White-Washed': a Derbyshire story by Olive Denn , told by Alec Elliott
5.45 Another Tony Onraet adventure
National and Regional announcements and Scottish News summary
New and recent fiction reviewed by Kate O'Brien
Conductor, Stanford Robinson
4—' Where the Trouble Starts': a talk on Central and South-Eastern Europe by Professor Mitrany. with S. G. Raybould as interrogator
with Harley and Barker; Elsie and Doris Waters ('Gert and Daisy'); 'With a Star and a Song'; Cliff Gordon; Richard Murdoch in 'Puzzle Corner.' Barbara Mullen in 'The Story of Miss Paddy O'Toole'; 'May We Introduce...?' (by arrangement with Leonard Urry): interviewer Ronald Waldman. The Singing Commeres, Revue Chorus, and BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell . Produced by Harry S. Pepper
Written and produced by Louis MacNeice. A dramatisation of the famous novel by the Latin writer Apuleius, containing the adventures of a young man who got turned into an ass. Special music by Antony Hopkins , played by the augmented BBC Revue Orchestra, conducted by Alan Crooks.
Other parts played by Molly Rankin , Gladys Spencer , Grizelda Hervey , Marjorie Westbury , Frank Parting ton, Basil Jones , Eddy Reed. Duncan Mclntyre , and William Trent
and his Orchestra
with Jimmy Leach at the piano