Records chosen by Forces overseas
Part 1 from swing to classics
Part 2
followed by-News read at dictation speed for Forcesnewspapers overseas
and his Orchestra.
and his Orchestra, with Elisabeth Batey , Pat Macormac , and Harry Kaye.
Recording of yesterday's broadcast
followed at 122 by Sidelights from Today's Papers
Crown him with many crowns (A.P.B. 24) ; Revelation 21, vv. 1-5. (BBC recording)
(by arrangement with Jack Payne )
Army v. R.A.F. Commentary during the morning's play at
Dennis Noble.
ENSA Overseas Half-Hour, .with Jack Leon and his Dance Orchestra, the Jive Bombers, Gloria Kane , Betty Kent ', Harry Hudson , and Bernard Clifton. Introduced i by Pamela Sholto. Produced by ENSA for the BBC
Directed by Captain Glenn Miller.
The London Symphony Orchestra (leader, George Stratton ). Associate conductor, Basil Cameron
Overture : In Praise of my Country
Montague Phillips
(Conducted by the composer)
followed by reports from the battle-fronts
Records chosen for themselves by British Forces serving overseas
Review of news and events of special interest for Forces in India
Close-ups from the war-fronts of the world
at the piano with his Quintet
Produced by the U.S. Armed Forces Radio Service.
Army v. R.A.F. Commentary during the play at Lord's
Half-an-hour of news, music, and entertainment for officers and men of the Merchant Service, from their own Merchant Navy Club in London's West End.
Doris Hare is hostess, with Debroy Somers and his Orchestra, and a guest star. Regular features include ' Ship's Newspaper ' ; 'In the Clubroom ; and ' Good Qld London.' Programme produced by Alfred Dunning. (BBC recording)
flashes between Britain and America. Famous artists on both sides of the Atlantic, with Leslie Mitchell as Master of Ceremonies in London and Ben Grauer in New York. Produced in New York by Ross Filion and in London by Jimmy Dyrenforth and Tom Ronald
followed by reports from, the battle-fronts.
Conducted by Sir Henry Wood.
Olive Groves (soprano), George Baker (baritone), Cyril Smith (piano)
Joan Griffiths replies to letters received from Forces overseas
with Louis Levy and* his Gaumont-British Studio Orchestra, Benny Lee , George Mela chrino and the Georgettes, including ' The Screen Presents,' Introduced by Moore Raymond
Followed at 9.10 by Home News from Canada cabled from the CBC News Rooms
Conducted by Harold Lowe
Cricket: Army v. R.A.F. at Lord's. Summary of today's match, illustrated by recordings taken during play
Weekly Variety show, starring & Canadian Army Orchestra., with songs by Cpl. Bill Smith , Cpl. Ted v , and Pte. Lance King . Introduced by Gerry Wilmot
John Blore and his Orchestra