Records chosen by Forces overseas
Part 1
Part 2
followed by News read at dictation speed for Forces newspapers overseas
(BBC recording)
Maudie Edwards , Frank Dey , and Leslie James.
Produced by the U.S. Armed Forces Radio Service.
Gramophone records
John Field Suite (John Field-
Harty) : Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
The Triumph of Neptune (Lord
Berners) : London Philharmonic Orchestra
followed at 12.2 by Sidelights from Today's Papers
Give light, 0 Lord (A. and M. 700) ; 1 Timothy 2. vv. 1-4. (BBC recording)
Repeat of last Thursday's recorded broadcast
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
An entertainment chosen by Forces serving overseas. Jack Warner , the A.T.S. Girl Pipers, Pat Leonard , Ernest' Shannon, Ted Andrews and Barbara, Carroll Gibbons , Jack Payne 's Orchestra, conducted by Stanley Andrews. Introduced by Mildred Shay. Produced by Cecil Madden and Stephen Williams , from the stage of the Queensberry All-Services Club. This week's edition dedicated to ' Review,' Nairobi.
followed by reports from the battle-fronts
Special programme for American Forces in India
speaking to Forces overseas
Close-ups from the war-fronts of the world
Records chosen for themselves by British Forces overseas
Reginald Foort at the theatre organ, with the Fayre Four and Hlndley Taylor (tenor). (BBC recording)
Programme for Welshmen overseas, from Buckley: Peter Davles (tenor) ; Buckley Glee Party : conductor, Winnie Spencer ; Band of the Royal Welch Fusiliers : conductor, H. Perdue. (BBC recording)
War Office personalities come to the microphone to discuss Army matters of special interest to troops i
on gramophone records
followed by reports from the battle-fronts
BBC Symphony Orchestra : conductor Sir Adrian Boult. Eric Greene (tenor), Alfredo Campoll (violin)
Vic Oliver
Second of four happy-go-lucky hours of carefree entertainment, based on suggestions made to Carroll Levis during his recent tour among the Forces overseas. ' The Radio Deceivers ' ; ' Just the Job ' ; ' Piano Time ' ; and the well-known Discoveries ' feature. James Etherington , the popular new tenor, a guest star, Betty Paul , and Johnny the Pageboy. The Dance Orchestra, conducted by Stanley Black. Script by Ray Sonin. Programme introduced by Carroll Levis . Produced by Eric Fawcett.
Followed at 9.10 by Home News from Canada ca.bled from the CBC News Rooms
and his Novelty Swing Quartet.
edited and read by Lieut. Frederick Phelan, A.I.F., and News from New Zealand edited and read by Arthur Heighway
Music and song, Variety and news, from Northern Ireland. Produced by James Mageean
BBC Midland Light Orchestra : conductor, Rae Jenkins. (Recording of the broadcast in the Home Service on July 8)