Animation following the adventures of a young aardvark and his friends. There's a mouse loose in the Read home and Arthur enlists the help of an expert mouse catcher. Show more
Series following friends as they train at the Academy for Aspiring Sidekicks. A curse turns Eric into a moustache-monster that nearly ruins his summer camp fun.
Animated series. Squawkencluck reboots the Big Head base computer, which immediately locks up everyone in a maximum security prison. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Series about the most unusual places in Australia. Featuring a trip on the world's steepest passenger train. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Drama set in a children's home. A day trip to the beach becomes a journey beset with disasters - is someone sabotaging the trip?
Children's drama following the misadventures of Vlad and Ingrid. It is Vlad's 18th birthday and he is anxious about becoming the Chosen One. Show more
Comedy drama about a cartoon boy in the real world. The O'Briens settle into Ballyfermot, and Roy causes quite a commotion during his first days at the local school. Show more
Naomi counts down her top ten worst nightmares - and reveals what she has chosen to take the top spot as her very worst nightmare. Show more
Dick and Dom reveal the genius of Alexander Fleming, the man who discovered penicillin. Inspired by Fleming's discovery, they come up with their own genius idea. Show more
Ewan and his cousin put on a glamorous Strictly Come Dancing wedding for Ewan's parents. But while Mum loves the glitz, Dad doesn't like dancing. Show more
Fantasy drama about teenagers with secret lives as wolfbloods. Alric comes looking for revenge, and Liam goes back into the tunnels with Jimi and Sam. Show more
Reality-style drama following a group of dancers. Michelle secretly choreographs a new routine for regionals. Show more
Children's drama following the misadventures of Vlad and Ingrid. It is Vlad's 18th birthday and he is anxious about becoming the Chosen One. Show more
Dick and Dom reveal the genius of Alexander Fleming, the man who discovered penicillin. Inspired by Fleming's discovery, they come up with their own genius idea. Show more
Naomi counts down her top ten worst nightmares - and reveals what she has chosen to take the top spot as her very worst nightmare. Show more
Ewan and his cousin put on a glamorous Strictly Come Dancing wedding for Ewan's parents. But while Mum loves the glitz, Dad doesn't like dancing. Show more
Drama set in a children's home. A day trip to the beach becomes a journey beset with disasters - is someone sabotaging the trip?
Series about the most unusual places in Australia. Featuring a trip on the world's steepest passenger train. Show more
Animated series set on a remote rural farm. Shaun sets about building a skatepark from scrap he finds in the dump. Show more
Animated series set on a remote rural farm. The farmer plays the piano and tortures everyone with his musical inability. Show more
Stop-motion animation. Toast soldiers take to the skies in their toast-rack helicopter, and Maki and Iso ambush a suspicious Nigiri in a ninja sushi attack. Show more
Animated adventures of two aliens on Earth. Zig and Zag's attempts to clone an ice cream in order to cool themselves down have a chilling effect on the whole street. Show more
Comedy show that puts kids in the driver's seat and lets them loose to concoct the most preposterous pranks. And who better to fool than unsuspecting adults?
Reality-style drama series. Chloe chooses between joining a ballet company and staying at the Next Step. Thalia is fed up with Eldon avoiding her. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Rowan Atkinson stars as the young King Henry VIII as he struggles with his boring dad, before becoming king and going through wives like most people go through toothbrushes. Show more
Kids enlist the help of Ed and Naomi to organise the best wedding ever for their parents. Dance fanatic Beth and her brother Josh plan the grooviest wedding ever. Show more
Drama series. Jody seems happy to be back with her family, but Carmen soon discovers she lives in fear of her brother and plots a rescue mission. Show more
Animated adventures of two aliens on Earth. Zig and Zag become DIY experts and set about fixing everything in Burb Street, whether it needs fixing or not. Show more
Animated series. Merl attempts to make the stump safe for clumsy Gull, but his efforts only make it more hazardous. Show more
Animated series. Once every ten years, a mysterious glowing dragon visits Berk. This year, Hiccup and Astrid are determined to find out where it is coming from. Show more
Animated series. Squawkencluck reboots the Big Head base computer, which immediately locks up everyone in a maximum security prison. Show more
Historical sketch show based on the successful books. Queen Victoria learns that her British comforts are not British and on 'Axe Factor', contestants try to become executioners. Show more
The doctors take a close-up look at how the eye works, and Dr Chris finds out what body fat does by looking at some of his own under a microscope. Show more
A quick blast of epicness where experts demonstrate how to throw a javelin, make gummy worms and save your cash.
Reality-style drama following a group of dancers. Michelle learns the truth about Chloe's financial situation. Show more
Drama set in a children's group home. Carmen alienates the young people when she finds a new best friend in exotic rich girl Esme. Show more