Animated adventures of a young aardvark. Arthur pledges to not watch TV for a week. School tough guy Binky Barnes sleeps with a night light on. Show more
Animation series following the exploits of four bumbling super-villains. The League plans to stage a lavish backyard barbecue and not invite any of the neighbours. Show more
Comedy animation. Timmy the tortoise grows into a giant after eating hot chillies and Mother Goose plans to use him to crush P-Town once and for all. Show more
Animation. Pink Marshmallow is up to her old tricks as she ruins Whistle's chances of rounding up his marshmallow flock. Grumpy Ball gets one over on his brother, Bouncy Ball. Show more
Slow and steady wins the race! Shaun and his fellow competitors are exhausted by two false starts, but Shirley's inertia leaves her with the energy to win the race. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Drama series about a young girl and her life in a children's home. Elaine's open day is a disaster thanks to a runaway pig. Tracy falls out with Cam yet again.
Comedy about a feisty 13-year-old girl. When Steve tries to make Sadie spend Mother's Day with his new girlfriend, Sadie goes on a campaign to get rid of her. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
All-singing, all-dancing competition to find the ultimate glee club. Judges Carrie and David are joined by John Modi to decide who goes through to the live semi final. Show more
Dance show. Aidan takes you, Rich and Cel through a routine to Flo Rida's Wild Ones.
Quick style advice from the Friday Download team. Saffron Coomber visits 10-year-old Alissa ahead of her school disco.
Imi and Finn get their mum and dad sailing on the high seas to their pirate-themed big day. But when mum and dad are captured by evil pirates, can Imi and Finn rescue them?
Historical sketch show. How to paint like a caveman, World War II codebreakers forget their own code, and Henry VIII challenges the King of France to a smackdown! Show more
Live action comedy. When Bennett High hosts its annual Cool Guy Charity Auction, Carl is purchased by Brittany instead of Jane. Show more
Supernatural drama. Vlad and his gang have 48 hours to ensure that all vampires are off the street and will abide by peaceful coexistence. Show more
Drama set in a children's home. When a fire breaks out at the Dumping Ground, Tracy and Gus set about discovering who the fire starter is. Show more
Sarah Jane and the gang open the Alien Files. Luke has the lowdown on space police the Judoon, alien secret protector Mister Dread, and the galaxy-destroying Androvax the Veil.
Six children are transformed into Hero Squad Cadets. The cadets need the help of some four-legged canine rescuers as they scour a large area of Dartmoor. Show more
Wildlife series. Steve Backshall demonstrates how reading the tracks and signs left by an animal can lead to fantastic encounters. Show more
Series looking for the country's best young cook. Can the contestants make John's pain perdu dessert? Whose syrup will be the stickiest and whose cream the spiciest? Show more
Four noisy kids are sent to the School of Silence to prove that they can be quiet. Contestants from Sunderland try to win prizes. Show more
Game show filled with medieval, messy madness. It's nation versus nation as ten patriotic teens storm the castle of Splatalot to represent their homelands. Show more
Comedy show that puts kids in the driver's seat and lets them loose to concoct the most preposterous pranks. And who better to fool than unsuspecting adults?
Animated series about the adventures of a young aardvark and friends. Sue Ellen can't wait to travel on an old-fashioned train with her mother. Show more
Animation. The Farmer prepares for a date and dusts off his prized hairpiece. Shaun cannot resist trying it on and loses it while showing off. Show more
Comedy animation. Mother Goose's son Eggbert attempts a big gold robbery at P-Town's bank, but Chief Delaney's pet dog Fluffums raises the alarm. Show more
Animated adventures with Scooby and the gang. Snowed in by an avalanche, the Mystery Inc gang take refuge in an old house filled with some very strange happenings.
Topical news magazine for children.
Imi and Finn get their mum and dad sailing on the high seas to their pirate-themed big day. But when mum and dad are captured by evil pirates, can Imi and Finn rescue them?
Tim Fitzhigham meets humans who defy science and puts them to the test. Tim meets a man who has cycled along a tightrope over a 1km drop. Show more
Comedy about two brothers at the same school - one as a pupil, the other as a new teacher. Bell starts a scheme where good behaviour is rewarded with points. Show more
Drama about a young girl's life in a children's home. Tracy's first night duty descends into a chaotic nightmare certain to end in disaster.
Children's animated series about a group of teenage sleuths and their cowardly dog. The gang's visit to Fort Knox uncovers a priceless monster.
Topical news magazine for children.