Animated adventures of a young aardvark and friends. Arthur learns that Grandma Thora is a marbles champion; Brain has a string of bad luck. Show more
Drama series about a young girl and her life in a children's home. Tracy is furious with Mike when he accepts the offer of a new job, and she is determined to let him know it. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Historical sketch show. HHTV's war reporter Mike Peabody regrets his decision to cover the Norman Siege of Palermo, and the Pilgrim Fathers rap about Jamestown in America. Show more
Fantasy drama. Merlin is given a glimpse of a dark future, and does all he can to change the course of destiny. However, his actions have fatal consequences. Show more
Game show filled with medieval, messy madness. Gildar's vanity rubs his fellow Defenders the wrong way in the moat, and the Attackers come bearing gifts of fudge and bacon. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Children's science fiction drama. A harmless investigation turns into an epic quest across time and space. Show more
Historical sketch show based on the successful books. Queen Victoria learns that her British comforts are not British and on 'Axe Factor', contestants try to become executioners. Show more
Historical sketch show based on the successful books. A Victorian teacher is confused by her pupils' bizarre names and the Romans run out of animals to execute. Show more
Historical sketch show. A lazy aristocrat invents the sandwich, the Romans host their own revolting cookery show, and William Shakespeare is haunted by King Richard III's ghost. Show more
Historical sketch show. A prank-loving emperor hosts a dinner party on Roman Come Dine with Me, and the Durham Home Guard injure themselves while learning first aid. Show more
Historical sketch show. A pirate regrets stealing a herd of cows, King Charles II raps about his party lifestyle, and the Georgian army goes to war against a bunch of schoolboys. Show more
Historical sketch show. In Ancient Greece it's Spartan High School Musical, a jester breaks bad news to Henry VIII, and Roman emperor Nero stars in a (not very) romantic movie. Show more
Action-adventure. When her parents arrive, Lisa ends up in an elaborate charade, with Mac pretending to be her husband. Show more
Quirky quizzes and gory games. In the last of the series, Rattus tries to get the contestants to eat Crusader meat. Luckily Dave stops him just in time. Show more
Game show filled with medieval, messy madness. Gildar's vanity rubs his fellow Defenders the wrong way in the moat, and the Attackers come bearing gifts of fudge and bacon. Show more
Fantasy drama. Merlin is given a glimpse of a dark future, and does all he can to change the course of destiny. However, his actions have fatal consequences. Show more
Children's animation. Eliot discovers Victor is using a time machine to travel into the past and collect ancient objects, and goes on a fantastic voyage. Show more
Animation series. LOSE try to steal a dinosaur bone so they can clone a T rex and take over the neighbourhood. Justice Gene will stop at nothing to prevent them. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Jedward compete with one another to be the best tour guide. Jedward have just one day to learn all there is to know about Hadrian's Wall. Show more
Four noisy kids are sent to the School of Silence to prove that they can be quiet. Contestants from Glasgow try to win prizes. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Quirky quizzes and gory games. The Horrible Historians try to work out how to build a pyramid and watch out for a cauldron of truly horrible Garum Sauce. Show more
Historical sketch show. People from the Bronze Age argue about building the world's first city and Bob Hale explains the entire history of the Renaissance. Show more
Animated sequel following the grumpy ogre (voiced by Mike Myers) and his bride as they head off to meet her parents. The occasion is marred by the wicked Fairy Godmother. Show more