The animated life of an eight-year-old aardvark. Arthur is worried that his letters to Adil, his new Turkish pen pal, will be boring. Show more
Animation following the adventures of a young aardvark and his friends. When Bitzi breaks up with her boyfriend, Buster tries to get them back together again. Show more
Drama series about life in a children's home. Trouble strikes the Dumping Ground when someone sets out to ruin the visitors' day, and Marco faces a tough decision.
Match of the Day spin-off show with the latest from the world of footie as well as top players and pundits. Show more
Richard Hammond presents the game show, as ten celebrities tackle one of television's largest and most extreme obstacle courses to win £10,000 for a charity of their choice. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Epic sport tournament for 12- to 15-year-olds. It's Scotland's turn to take on Wales in the last of the round robin matches before the grand final. Show more
Messy, madcap game show. Gildar becomes fed up with the Attackers' finish-platform dances at the end of the moat. Meanwhile a Defenders' dance-break is employed to raise morale. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Comedy drama. Roy and friends are building a rabbit hutch, but Roy's eagerness destroys it and the team fires him. Show more
Ross reveals his latest science project on the remote Scottish island of North Barrasay and Jasmine and Prudith take a ride on public transport. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Children's spy drama. A gymnastics competition brings the prime minister to St Hope's. MI9 have got wind that there's a plan to break out criminals from an MI4 prison. Show more
Surreal sitcom about a struggling actress. Zang and Zark must save Earth from imminent destruction. They decide that Jack is the only one who can help. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Drama set in a children's home. Mike gets an MBE, but Tracy's plan to let the young people decide who should go with him to the palace doesn't go smoothly. Show more
Comedy about a feisty 13-year-old girl. When Sadie interferes in her aunt's wedding, she discovers an uncomfortable truth from the past. Show more
Documentary. This film follows father and son, Duane and Raphael, as they prepare for operations that will see Duane donate a kidney to his son. Show more
Barney challenges super chef Aaron Craze to see who can make the most eco-friendly food. Plus, Dick and Dom are live in the studio to give the inside story on their new show. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Drama set in a children's home. A power struggle ensues when four young people and their care worker arrive at the Dumping Ground after a fire at Burnywood. Show more
Drama set in a children's home. When a fire breaks out at the Dumping Ground, Tracy and Gus set about discovering who the fire starter is. Show more
Drama set in a children's home. There is an escaped prisoner on the loose and strange things start happening when Tracy is alone with the YP on a dark, stormy night. Show more
Drama set in a children's home. A pirate DVD stall leads Liam to a man who claims to be his brother, but his electronic tag keeps Liam from finding out what's going on. Show more
Drama set in a children's home. Tracy gets tangled up in Lily's plan to reunite Poppy and Rosie with their dad. Meanwhile a stray dog becomes attached to Frank. Show more
Magicians visit primary schools posing as supply teachers. In a unique science lesson, Katherine walks through a solid metal door. Show more
Surreal sitcom about a struggling actress. Zang and Zark must save Earth from imminent destruction. They decide that Jack is the only one who can help. Show more
Comedy prank series. Ben sets up the ultimate digital prank, creating a computerised robot with a mind of its own. Show more
Animation. Dennis and Gnasher believe the world truly is their oyster and that kids should make the rules. Not everyone agrees, including Mum and Dad. Show more
Comedy animation. Mother Goose kidnaps Hairball and tells P-Town to surrender or suffer the ultimate bad-hair day! Show more
Animation. LOSE decide to beat the winter cold and go on vacation to the hottest place in the world: the Shangri Lava hotel at the centre of the Earth. Show more
Animation. Shirley's snoring is keeping the flock awake, so Shaun decides that the only way to get a peaceful night's sleep is to get her out of the barn.
Animated adventures. There is a vampire loose in the town, terrorising the residents and stealing an odd assortment of loot. Show more