Animation about the friendship between Lottie, a misfit, and Nine, a cat. When Castle Frankenstein disappears, Nine makes a new life in the village. Show more
Drama series about a young girl and her life in a children's home. Tracy is banished to the Quiet Room until she apologises for her row with Elaine.
3D animation about a pink owl. The frog excels in all sports, and demonstrates to the owl the art of the trampoline. Show more
Adventures with the metal-winged, pint-sized crimebuster. Batfink tackles sinking boats in The Dirty Sinker, and broken windows in Sonic Boomer. Show more
3D animation about a pink owl. What are fireflies for? Why are the branches folding away? What is this countdown for?
Children's entertainment presented by Barney Harwood. Arian wants to prank three of his schoolfriends into believing dinosaurs still exist. Show more
Children's entertainment. Barry absorbs superhuman powers following an accident with a games console. Paul takes advantage and puts him to work in his restaurant.