Animation about the friendship between Lottie, a misfit, and Nine, a cat. There is a horror film director in town making a low-budget epic, and he has cast Lottie and Nine. Show more
Drama series about a young girl and her life in a foster home. Tracy comes up with a cunning plan to stop Elaine the Pain from hearing her bad report at the school's open evening.
3D animation about a pink owl. What options does an owl have in the presence of a frog who has mastered Kung Fu? Trying to outrun it isn't one of them. Show more
Adventures with the pint-sized crimebuster. Batfink is called upon to catch Skinny Minnie, and Professor Flippo steals the top secret Topsy Turvy box. Show more
3D animation about a pink owl. The Owl is on a tree on someone else's private property. His new companion is a surveillance camera which records his every move.
Children's entertainment presented by Barney Harwood. Harry tries to prank his friend into believing that aliens have landed in his back garden.
Children's entertainment with the Chuckle Brothers. Paul is mistaken for Robin Hood, so the brothers have to rescue Maid Marian from the Sheriff of Nottingham.