Children's animated series about a group of teenage sleuths and their cowardly dog. The gang's visit to Fort Knox uncovers a priceless monster.
Mark Elder conducts as the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain performs works by Prokofiev, Shostakovich and Aaron Jay Kernis. Introduced by Howard Goodall. Show more
British Film Forever
Episode 2: Longing, Loving and Leg-Overs: The Story of British Romance
1 hour, 30 minutes on BBC Two Wales
Series examining classic British films. This episode focuses on love stories on the big screen. Show more
Witty and unsentimental coming-of-age comedy about a boy (John Gordon Sinclair) who falls hopelessly in love with a girl who becomes the new star of the school football team. Show more
Touching drama about a gifted concert pianist who suffers from suicidal depression, and finds that she has blocked out a traumatic relationship with her piano teacher and guardian. Show more
Sci-fi drama series. Tired of Crichton and D'Argo's incessant bickering, Pilot banishes them from Moya for ten days, sending them to a pleasure planet called LoMo.
Sci-fi drama series. One of the Ancients who implanted encrypted wormhole technology in Crichton's brain accuses him of selling the data. Show more