Children's show for three to five year-olds with live action and animatronics, featuring Bella, Milo, Jake and Fizz. Sing along with the Tweenies to their song, Music Man. Show more
Animated adventures of Bernard the Bear. Bernard looks goes for a day's scuba diving. At first all goes swimmingly, but he soon realises not everything is what it seems.
Documentary series following a group of meerkats. Flower faces a race against time as she mounts a rescue mission to find her pups. Show more
Chat show featuring celebrities, live music and fabulous weirdness from the great British public. Featuring chat with Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon and David Mitchell. Show more
Drama series in which people deal with their newly-discovered superpowers. Monica exhibits new abilities while working with Micah, Nana and Damon. Show more
John Inverdale presents highlights from both of the semi-finals in this year's Guinness Premiership competition. Andrew Cotter provides commentary. Show more
Joins BBC News.