2/6. Have the Swains learnt their lifestyle lessons?
Regional Variations (2)
The Apprentice
Candidates compete in tests of stamina, intelligence and ruthlessness to win the prize of a highly paid job with Sir Alan Sugar. The teams' negotiation skills are tested.
Regional Variations (2)
The Apprentice - You're Fired!
Follow-up to The Apprentice. Adrian Chiles interviews a fired candidate in front of a studio audience and guest panellists Felicity Lee, Sara Nathan and Duncan Bannatyne.
Slick action adventure with Steven Seagal and Tommy Lee Jones. A battleship is hijacked by criminals for its nuclear arsenal. Only one man is in their wav - Casey Ryback. Review p48.
8/8. New. After deciding which member of the public came up with the best ending to
Paul Mayhew-Archer 's Good Morning Miss Milton, the competition's overall winner will be announced.
5/6. More relationship-based comedy. Series re-run starts Monday on BBC2