More bloopers at 8.40pm.
Roger Taylor and Brian May talk about the genesis of Queen's 1975 classic, while there are rare audio clips of Freddie Mercury.
Martial arts with Chris Crudelli.
Cock-ups from Little Britain and Bodies.
Gripping thriller, with Susan Sarandon and Tommy Lee Jones. Young Mark Sway attracts the attention of the law and the Mafia when he witnesses the suicide of a Mob defence lawyer. Review p50.
5/6. With lonely bachelor Don Peacock.
4/8. Which members of the public came up with the best conclusion to Mike Davis PI, from My Family sitcom writers
Ian Brown and James Hendrie ?
: double bill
Regional Variations (2)
Billy tells PC Harriet all about Darren getting involved with Harry Taylor. At the poetry competition, Billy gets cold feet at the last minute but PC Harriet calms his nerves. Show more