Animated comedy adventure, featuring the voices of Julia Sawalha , Jane Horrocks , Miranda Richardson and Mel Gibson. A clutch of hens suffers life on a grim 1950s egg farm. When the avaricious owners move into the meat-pie business, the chickens fear the worst and, with the help of American rooster, Rocky, plan their escape.
The Norrises
A clinical psychologist explains how to control a three-year-old's constant tantrums.
8/8. The Marshalls. Parents
Chris and Sam each experiment with swapping work for childcare, in this new episode.
Cheeky street-based stunts.
An all-singing, all-dancing flashback to the night Janet and Jonny first met.
Britain Character-based sketches. (AD)
5/6. Cath throws Jill out. (AD)
6/6. Jill's past is about to catch up with her.