Bwrw golwg dros bynciau'r dydd mewn sgwrs a ffilm - a chyfle i gwrdd a rhai sy'n amlwg yn y newyddion.
(Wenvoe, Blaen-Plwyf, Holme Moss, and Sutton Coldfield only)
(to 13.30)
For the Very Young
Maria Bird brings Andy to play with your children and invites them to join in songs and games.
Audrey Atterbury and Molly Gibson pull the strings
Gladys Whitred sings the songs
(BBC television film)
The Teens
A film of teenage life In an urban family in Canada.
From a series on child development called 'Ages and Stages,' by arrangement with the National Film Board of Canada.
3.15 Tell me, doctor
Dr. Winifred de Kok discusses viewers' letters.
Letters should be sent to Dr. Winifred de Kok, [address removed]
(to 15.30)
The adventures of a family of puppies.
The famous American comedian in a special sound version of one of his funniest silent films.
Johnny Gray wants to be a soldier. The Army wants him to remain an engine-driver, and one day, to his surprise, he finds that railway engines can also win battles.
(Previously broadcast on Aug. 2, 1958)
On transmitters serving the areas:
6.10 News for Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the English Regions
News from Wales: 6.15-6.20
A weekly 'Do it Yourself' programme with Barry Bucknell.
After Christmas ideas:
Permanent ways for model trains; Mounting and framing pictures and cards
Look around with Cliff Michelmore.
Sport - Music - People
Cinema - Theatre - Argument
with Derek Hart, Geoffrey Johnson Smith and this week, Cy Grant and Noel Harrison
A general knowledge contest based on the popular sound programme 'What Do You Know?'.
Each week a new team of challengers from a different part of Britain competes against the resident team.
This week:
The Residents - Rosemary Watson, Edward Moult, Mostyn Lewis
v. An Oxford team
by Evan Jones.
[Starring] Wilfrid Lawson
and William Russell, Walter Hudd, Dorothy Bromiley
[Photo caption] Walter Hudd as Seth Duncan and Wilfrid Lawson as Charles Broderick
As with his memorable first play for BBC Television, The Widows of Jaffa, Evan Jones has chosen for the theme of tonight's drama an explosive contemporary situation. Set in a small colony in the Caribbean, it deals with the struggle between the old and secure and the new and untried, which comes to a head with the granting of self-government and a first general election. The struggle is reflected in the home of Charles Broderick, a pioneer English settler, who has become the biggest landowner on the island... At 8.0
Peter West and Fyfe Robertson visit the Governor, General Sir Cameron Nicholson, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., and the In-Pensioners of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea.
Picture on page 5
Stanley Black and his Orchestra with Marion Keene and guests.
Picture on page 5
For the next ten days boating enthusiasts will be making for their annual winter rendezvous at Olympia. In this preview Raymond Baxter reports on some of the new little ships which will be afloat next summer.
An Outside Broadcast
followed by Weather and Close Down