(Previously televised on Tuesday)
The first of two visits to the twenty-fourth Annual Show at Southport, where Philip Robinson and Godfrey Baseley are in the Great Marquee, showing some of the prize-winning exhibits.
See 'Television Diary' on page 15
For the very young
Audrey Atterbury and Molly Gibson pull the strings
Gladys Whitred sings the songs
Peter Hawkins speaks the voices
Maria Bird writes the songs and music
(A BBC television film)
(to 16.15)
Simon the Simple Sardine: 4 - Simon the Hero
An adventure series for young children by James Gilroy.
The Sea Shore
John Barrett talks about some more of the creatures and plants you can find among the rocks and pools of the shore.
A Journey through Brazil: 3 - The End of the Journey
by Allan Murray.
(to 17.45)
A second visit to Southport's Annual Flower Show to see the Special Invitation
Pair Jumping Competition (under B.S.J.A. Rules) and the Trotting Display.
During the interval between the ring events, viewers can join Philip Robinson in the Great Marquee to see some of the prize-winning exhibits.
See 'Television Diary' on page 15
A play by Constance Cox.
[Starring] Laidman Browne Margaretta Scott and Andre van Gyseghem
The action takes place in the house of John Kemble in London, in the early part of the nineteenth century. None of the characters in this play is fictitious, and the events in it are true, though there has been some slight rearrangement in their sequence.
(sound only)