An unrehearsed discussion on topics of the week.
Speakers: Robert Boothby, M.P., W. J. Brown, Michael Foot, M.P., A. J. P. Taylor
Chairman, Frank Byers
(A BBC Telefilm of last Friday's programme)
The film story of Southampton Docks.
(to 16.05)
Annette Mills with Prudence Kitten
5.15 Mr. and Mrs. Mumbo
Another adventure of this respectable couple-drawn by Reginald Jeffryes.
5.30-5.50 The Story of the South Bank
Sir Hugh Casson, F.R.I.B.A., R.D.I., Director of Architecture for the Festival of Britain 1951, looks back at the South Bank Exhibition which opened a year ago, and draws pictures to show how it all began.
Another talk in this series next Wednesday.
A miscellany of mischief, music, and mystery.
Introduced by McDonald Hobley.
[Starring] Tommy Cooper
With Peter Glover, Claude Chandler from the Magic Circle.
Robert Silvey, Head of Audience Research, shows some of the latest results of enquiries among viewers, and discusses them with Cecil Madden, Assistant to the Controller of Television Programmes, and two well-known critics.
(sound only)