(Composite edition)
(to 12.00)
Today's amateur Association Football fixtures are affected by the results of the F.A. Cup Ties which are not known at the time of going to press. Details of the match to be televised will be announced at the end of Thursday's and Friday's transmissions.
A children's variety magazine introduced by Humphrey Lestocq and interrupted by Turnip.
Box of Tricks
with Geoffrey Robinson.
Flying Visit
A travel quiz by Marcel Stellman.
Write it Yourself
Devised by Frank Coven, who asks young viewers to write the next instalment of the serial play.
Hank Rides Again with Francis Coudrill
(to 18.00)
A Topical Magazine.
Introduced by Joan Gilbert.
Jack Jackson invites you to meet Josef Locke, Christine Norden, Johnny Lockwood, Len Low and Don Ladd, Michael Balfour, Audrey Wayne, The Twelve Toppers, The Top Hat Orchestra.
'The Top Hat' welcomes back to England after twelve months in Australia the one and only Arthur Askey in a surprise item.
(Arthur Askey appears by arrangement with Emile Littler)
(Repeat of Friday's edition)
(sound only)
(to 22.15)