(Composite edition)
(to 12.00)
From the Old Deer Park, Richmond.
Before the match starts at 3.15 p.m. viewers are shown the points of the polo pony and a demonstration of the basic strokes of the game.
(to 16.00)
[Starring] Eddie Gray
Or 'Tourists with but a single thought' with Felix Felton, Geoffrey Wincott and a few others who are generally misguided by Monsewer Eddie Gray.
N.B. Any similarity between the actors and real tourists depends on whether the cap fits
A new edition of this film magazine which deals particularly with recent radio development in this country. The last item is concerned with British television and includes behind-the-scene views of the BBC Television Service.
The guests include: Paul Smoll, Helmut Well and Jutta Well, David Hurst and Patrick Brawn
The Regency Room Company: Muriel Smith, Barbara Lee Smith, Ian Carmichael, Donald Scott, Peter Glover, Mary Budd, Gretta Grayson, Tanya Duray, Pamela Carr, Morris Honick, Kevin Woods, Denny Bettis, William Hayden, David Gardiner, Roma Boswall, Daphne Johnson, Wendy Harcourt-Brown and Joy Harvey.
(Repeat of Friday's edition)
(sound only)
(to 22.00)