(to 12.00)
A film of rough-riding and tough shooting on the Mexican border.
(to 16.00)
Compare the songs of yesterday with the songs of today.
A show within a show with Billie Baker, Janet Davis, Lily Lapidus, Phyllis Hunter,
Patric Curwen, Desmond Walter-Ellis, Ian Carmichael, Neville Williams, Archie Harradine, Benny Lee, Jimmy Bailey, Alison Petrie, The Song Pedlars.
Script by Kenneth Baily on an idea by Leslie Baily
(Second performance of the programme televised on August 2)
Tonight with Geoffrey Boumphrey's help inventors show you another selection of new ideas.
Leslie Hardern chooses the inventions to be shown and all specifications for future use should be addressed to him c/o [address removed]
(sound only)
(to 22.15)