(to 12.00)
A comedy by Philip Johnson.
(Second performance: for details see Tuesday, 9.0 p.m.)
(to 16.00)
A television magazine introduced by McDonald Hobley.
Memory Man
Can you defeat Leslie Welch on any question about sport? He answers impromptu and any viewer who 'stumps' him will be sent one pound's worth of savings stamps.
Meet the Rev.
In which Hugh Morton brings to the television screen the adventures of Gale Pedrick's famous clergyman detective, with Roy Plomley as Charlie Banks.
Stump the Author
A celebrated author makes up a story linking together four objects taken from the Kaleidoscope box.
Time for Music
Our evening's musical guest.
A celebrity comes along' to talk about his unusual hobby.
Sir, I Have an Idea!
[Starring] Richard Murdoch
with Kenneth Horne
All correspondence in connection with this programme should be addressed to 'Kaleidoscope', [address removed]
What is the National Trust, and how does it work?
These are questions which are answered in this evening's programme by speakers closely connected with the work of the Trust
The programme is illustrated by photographs of some of the Trust's property and maps showing where this property is in the area around London, and elsewhere.
(sound only)
(to 22.15)