Variety with contributions from The Ebor Marionettes, The Hogarth Puppets, Cliff Hunter, The London Marionette Theatre, The Studio Theatre, Chiswick.
The BBC Television Orchestra
Leader, Boris Pecker
Conductor, Hyam Greenbaum
(by permission of the Daniel-Mayer Company Ltd.) telling children's stories.
by Arnrid Johnston.
(to 16.00)
(sound only)
with Eve Lister (songs), Gene Sheldon (comedian) and The Cranstonians (dancers).
The gossip feature is becoming quite a regular part of television programmes, and viewers who have heard E. H. Tattersall in the past will be generally agreed that his informal manner and easy personality are ideal for this kind of thing. He gave, you may remember, a talk after the Eton and Harrow match.
We cannot say exactly what Tattersall will speak about tonight, though it will be about 'this, that or the other' as it has occurred to the mind of this shrewd and witty observer.
A very light comedy in one act by Delano Ames.
Scene 1, The sitting-room in Mrs. Coulton's house in Vezier, a resort in the Pyrenees. Afternoon
Scene 2, Outside a cafe in St. Roche - twenty lessons later. Late afternoon
(To be repeated on August 15)
(to 22.30)