An animated chart, together with John Snagge's commentary from the launch Magician, will show viewers the progress of the race, the finish of which will be specially described by Howard Marshall and televised (conditions permitting) direct from Chiswick. Television cameras near Chiswick Bridge and the boat houses will show the actual finish of the race and close-ups of the crews as they bring in their boats.
(to 14.00 app.)
Presented by Jan Bussell and Ann Hogarth.
A return match between a BBC Four and News of the World champions. Commentary by Charles W. Garner, secretary of the National Darts Association.
Written by Eleanor Farjeon.
With Margaret Rutherford, Everley Gregg, Warren Jenkins, Eric Starling, and Queenie Leonard.
The BBC Television Orchestra
leader Boris Pecker
conductor Hyam Greenbaum
(to 16.00)
Talbot O'Farrell, Irish comedian. The Three Canadians, comedy acrobats. Gladys and Kusserow, dancers. Charlie Higgins, comedian.
Elizabethan songs for the four seasons composed by Roger Quilter, with Hazel Jennings, Eric Starling, Harold Child. Choreography by Quentin Tod. The BBC Television Orchestra, leader Boris Pecker, conductor Hyam Greenbaum.
(to 22.00)