A Masque arranged by Stephen Thomas and Quentin Tod.
With Linda Gray, Quentin Tod, Vivien Lambelet.
Harpsichord played by Irvin Hinchliffe
The BBC Television Orchestra
Leader, Boris Pecker
Conductor, Hyam Greenbaum
Vauxhall Gardens fell into the hands of the builder in 1859, after nearly two hundred years of brilliant existence, and in this masque its atmosphere during the eighteenth century will be recaptured. In its heyday it was a place of twinkling lights and gay music. Evelyn called it 'a pretty contrived plantation'. In 1736 a large covered orchestra was introduced. Along the sides of the open auditorium tiers of theatre-like boxes were built, in which people could listen to music and eat and drink. By the turn of the nineteenth century, there were few amusements that did not take place there: balloon ascents, operas, ballets, concerts, and firework displays.