in North American Red Indian Songs
(new series)
Introduced by David Seth-Smith and their Keepers
In this new series it is hoped, when weather permits, to televise Zoo specimens in the open air as well as in the studio. David Seth-Smith will occasionally add to the interest of the broadcasts by bringing various authorities to talk before the camera.
Scenes from a new cabaret at present running in the West End of London.
Beatrix Lehmann as the Lady Anne, Ernest Milton as Richard, Duke of Gloucester in scenes from "Richard III".
Today for the first time viewers will see Ernest Milton, who is one of the best Shakespearean actors on the London stage. Radio listeners will remember his fine interpretation of Shylock in the radio version of "The Merchant of Venice" broadcast on January 31. It was his first introduction to Shakespeare that made him decide to become an actor. He was taken as a small boy to see "As You Like It" performed in the Greek theatre of the University of California, and from that moment his mind was made up.
Beatrix Lehmann, as well as being a leading actress, has a big reputation as a novelist.
(new series)
(Details as at 3.10)
Scenes from a new cabaret at present running in the West End of London.