With the Dawn Patrol. And at 6.15 Pause for Thought with Eleanor Ranee.
And at 9.15 Pause for
Thought with Brian Darcy.
Including the Pop Master
Quiz and Tracks of My Years, in which a celebrity picks theirten favourite tunes.
Plus traffic updates with Lynn Bowles.
Talking to guests who make the headlines.
PHONE the Comment Line on [number removed]9 1 or the Question Line on [number removed] between 11.45am and 1.45pm
With the Best of Jazz.
Series in which British swing greats Cleo Laine and John Dankworth showcase top names in contemporaryjazz and pop, who perform with the Big Band. This edition features singer Mica Paris , pianist Julian Joseph and singer Edywyn Collins.
Stacey Kent presents the BBC Big Band, conducted by Barry Forgie.
At 1.30 Pause for Thought with Ruth Scott.
At 3.30 Pause for Thought with Ruth Scott.