With the Dawn Patrol.
Including at 6.15
Pause for Thought with Derek Browning.
And at 9.15 Pause for
Thought with Rev Roy Williamson.
WRITE TO: Terry Wogan. BBC, Radio 2, London, W1A 1AA E-MAIL: [address removed]
PHONE the Comment Line on [number removed] or the Question Line on [number removed] between
11.45am and 1.45pm
News, views and music. E-MAIL: jw@bbc.co.uk
A selection from the world of opera and popular classics.
With The Organist
Entertains. Standards, pops and classics from the popular organ and keyboard world.
PHONE [number removed] for programme information and details of organ clubs and societies. E-MAIL: organist.entertains@bbc.co.uk.
Seventy Years of British Television
Alan Whicker hosts a series on the history of television, assessing the impact it has had on our society. 2: The
1950s Coming to You Live. Followingthe
Coronation broadcast in 1953, the number of TV licenses doubled. By the end of the decade the new medium offered news, entertainment, sport and information to the masses. With
Sue Cook.
A music series featuring the leader of the Jacques Loussier Trio , the act that both delighted and enraged in big numbers when it jazzed up the classics in 1959. Each programme features Loussier at his piano, illustrating his treatment of the classics, with BenoitDunoyerde
Segonzac on bass and Andre Arpino on percussion. 2:
Eric Satie. The composer whose music inspired the genre now known as ambient. Featuring jazz inspirations of the Gymnopedies.
Including at 1.30
Pause for Thought with RickWakeman.
Pause for Thought with RickWakeman.