Says Good Morning Sunday. His spcial guest is Nanci Griffith.
II Russell Davies presents a three-part series on the late Ted Heath, who from 1945 led the UK's premiere big band, whose quality, precision and ability to swing "scared (Count Basie) to death". Producer Graham Pass
5: The Welsh Valleys
Ayres's memory of the area dates from the seventies when she used to visit a friend living in the middle of a landscape black with coal dust. Thirty years on, she marvels at the way the valleys have been transformed with prize-winning greenery. Roland White's radio review: page 62
With the Cliff Adams
PHONE: [number removed]
WRITE TO: BBC Pebble Mill, Birmingham, B5 7QQ
With Melodies for You.
Derek Jacobi presents a series documenting the story of Jesus of Nazareth. 2: Jesus the Messiah
. The Jews of first-century Palestine wanted a warrior leader or a victorious king-how fardid
Jesus's ministry meet these expectations?
Roger Royle presents music from Bothwell
Parish Church, Scotland.
British and American music of the big band era.
Including at 1.30
Pause for Thought from Northern Ireland.
Including at 3.30 Pause for Thought from Northern Ireland.