with The Early Show including at 6.15
Pause for Thought
Including at 8.27 Racing Bulletin and at 8.45
Pause for Thought
(Your requests, on postcards please, to ' Open House,' BBC, London W1A 4WW) Including at 10.30
Waggoners' Walk NW (Wed afternoons broadcast)
Including at 1.15
Today's Story On the Road written by JAMES WOOD read by VICTOR CARIN 4: Pandora's Box
Introduced bv
Marjorie Anderson News Comment
Cash in the Attic: JUDITH CHALMERS talks to BERNARD PRICE about the value of Victorian books today
Beauty Club: JEAN PRICE and ANNE SUTHERLAND diSCUSS your qurfies with JUDITH CHALMERS Reading your Letters
Old Movies on TV: GORDON GOW casts an eye over this month's selection
EILEEN BARRY reads Rain Before Seven by ROMA GROVER (5)
Music and today's Sporting Clue including at 4.15
Waggoners' Walk NW (Repeated: Friday. 1030 am) and at 4.30 Sports Desk
on behalf of the Labour Party
The game that turns the pages of showbiz history with the return of Richard Hearne , Joan Turner Peter Bull , Robin Richmond Chairman JACK WATSON
Devised and compiled by DENIS GIFFORD
Producer JOHN DYAS
and the NEW SCOTTISH RADIO ORCHESTRA leader IAN TYRE from the Younger Hall St Andrews
A special live broadcast for St Andrew 's Day, from Scotland's oldest University town Presented by GERRY DAVIS Producer ANDY PARK
As the BBC celebrates 50 years of broadcasting, ALAN
DELL recalls some of the personalities of the era who found fame when they brought their bands to the microphone 9: Billy Cotton
1500m only. VHF joins Radio 1
Peter Latham with music and news, plus Latham's London, featuring THAMES EIGHT
Producer MARTIN FISHER including Sports Desk at 10.15 (Tuning in with the Night Owls: pages 70-75)
Introduced by Peter Donaldson
(Tuning in with the Night Owls: pages 70-75)